💌 13. Birthday party

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After gets a call from his mother, Tay nearly ran panicky from GMM building to get back to his condo as soon as possible. He could think nothing but Newwiee. For the first time ever, he ignored his fans who greeted him. His fans who saw his panicked looked immediately gets worried.

Once he arrived at his condo, a cold and an awkward atmosphere greet him. He saw his mother and Newwiee at the living room, sat face to face. Tay's mother didn't come alone, besides her, there was Muk - Tay's older sister.

New's face literally beamed up when he saw Tay. He flashed a relief smile to Tay although a nervous looked still lingered in his expression. He was even sitting in stiffest position. On the other hand, his mother sat comfortably with a cup of coffee in her hand, and only looked up for a second to acknowledge her son's presence.


"New, can you give us some time?"

"Of course, Mama Wira..."

Tay furrow his eyebrows once heard what New just called his mother. Not anyone was allow to call her that, except for someone who she's truly fond.

New and Muk stood up from their seat and excused themselves. "Come on Newwiee. Let's grab a drink at nearby cafe." Said Tay's sister and New just nodded his head nervously.

Muk touched Tay's shoulder for a second, like a sign of telling him to stay strong before she walked towards the front door. Meanwhile, New gave an encouraging smiled to Tay before following Muk, disappeared behind the door.


"Sit down first, Tawan." Said the mother with a firm voice.

Tay tried to calm his own heartbeat before take a sit in front of his mother.

"So..." Mama Wira began after cleared her throat. "...his name is Newwiee? When I'm get inside, I was so shock to see someone mopping the floor. Your house look a bit organize than the last time I visit. When I ask Newwiee if he was a housekeeper, he just nodded his head."  She stared at Tay with an interrogating looked. "But I know he's not surely just your housekeeper. What housekeeper wear his boss' shirt? So my son, what do you want to explain to me, hm?"

Her surprisingly calm expression made Tay freak out. But he should have known better than this, that Mama Wira never shown her anger openly with yelling like many other women. People usually said that she had charismatic personality whatever situation she faced.


"Look into my eyes when you're talking to me, Tawan."

Tay immediately lift his head and looked into his mother's eyes. "I've meet Newwiee when I stay at Pha Pun Dao... His grandma just passed away a week ago... And, he comes to Bangkok because he has no one at the village. I ask him...to stay with me...here." After his explanation, he looked down again at his laps.


"And..." Tay looked at her again in confusion.

"And that's all? I don't think you understood my question, Tawan?"

Tay bit his lips and remain silent.

"I want to know what's your relationship with him. Just an acquaintance? A friend? Or...?"

"He's just a friend, mae."

She smiled meaningfully. "If Newwiee heard what you just said, he will be disappointed, you know?"

Tay got panicked before he corrected himself. "He's someone I love!"

She didn't look surprised as what Tay thought she might be.

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