💌 15. Trust

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Tay who saw Newwiee talking to Namtarn immediately fasten his stepped walking towards them.


"Come here!" He wrapped his arm around New's waist before pulled him closer to his body, as if he wanted to show off his new lover to his ex-fiance. Let her knew that he got someone better than her. Looking at her face again anger him.

"Te! Wait!"

The next second, Tay dragged New away from that scene, leaving Namtarn behind. She did not expect to see them here, yet she was curious about the relationship between those two. She saw the viral picture of Tay hugging someone at the terminal and when she saw the picture, she recognized it at once that someone was Newwiee; her old friend from her hometown.

So basically, Newwiee, Gun, and Namtarn were childhood friends and lived in the same village in the past; before Gun's and Namtarn's family decided to move out from the village.

Remembered what Off said - that Namtarn and Tay met through a blind date? So, Gun was the one who match them. But he did not expect too that their relationship doesn't end that well. When Gun went to meet Namtarn, to ask her about the reasons she ran away from her wedding, she didn't say anything at first. But, since Gun was not the type who will give up easily, she finally spoke the truth.

"If I marry him, they will not only hurts me, but Tay's family especially Grandma Nart. If you're in my position, what will you do, Gun?"

Someone gave a death threat to her the day before the wedding. She begged Gun to keep it as a secret. No one should knew about it, especially Tay. Until today, she still tying to find the person who sent her the death treat, but to no avail.





"Tay Tawan! Stop ignoring me!"

"Can we talk after I done with this?" Asked Tay who currently busied hanging their shirts inside the wardrobe.

"You've said the same thing 5 minutes ago! After finish with that, what's else you're planning to do? Mopping the floor? Changing the bed sheet? Or arranging the furnitures as you like?"

By the time they went inside their villa, Tay didn't say anything and gave New a cold shoulder instead. Tay had make himself looked busied by looking around the room, taking some pictures, touched every decorations in the room, and now he was busied hanging their shirts.



"Do you still have feelings for Namtarn?"

The hanger in Tay's hand dropped to the floor. He slowly turned his back and looked at New shocked. "W-What did you said?"

"Isn't she is your ex-fiance?"

"How... H-How did you know--"

There's no way that New search it in the internet since Tay never give him access to internet.

"P'Muk told me. That you got stood up at your wedding. But she didn't tell me anything about who's she. I find it myself...when...I clean your room. I found the wedding invitation under your bed. Tipnaree Weerawatnodom, the name is so familiar like my childhood friend, Namtarn. And now, looking at you who act so indifferent like this after met her just now, have confirm my suspicion."


"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"I... I don't."

Tales of the heart (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now