Season One; Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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Y/n's POV

Hawkins, Indiana had been my home for my entire life. My parents, George and Marilyn, had decided to move here after they got married because it was a small, quiet town that seemed like a good place to raise their kids. Me and my younger sister, Jackie, who was 11 years old. And life was good, you know. I had an amazing best friend, Nancy Wheeler, and I sometimes enjoyed the company of her brother Mike and his three friends: Lucas, Dustin, and Will. So, like I said, life in Hawkins was great. Until when I was 12 years old, my father passed away, leaving my mother, sister, and I to figure things out on our own. 4 years have passed since then, and me being 16, I thought I was living through the best part of my life. Little did I know how wrong I'd be.

November 6th, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

"Okay, all I'm saying is that you should reconsider it," I defend.

"Why?" Nancy quizzed.

"Because Steve Harrington is-"

Nancy cut me off. "Handsome, charming, and has a great personality."

"I was gonna say douchebag, but that words too," I mutter sarcastically.

"Y/n, you've disliked him since like 6th grade," Nancy pointed out.

"For good reason," I retort. "Nancy, his friends are jerks, okay? And you are who you hang out with."

"Hey guys!" Dustin interrupted. "There's one slice of pizza left if either of you want it. Sausage and pepperoni!"

"Take the pepperoni off and you've got yourself a deal," I tell him. Dustin shook his head, but did as I asked and peeled the pepperoni slices off of the piece of pizza. I hopped off Nancy's bed and walked over to the door, grabbing the slice from the box. "Thank you, Dustin! You're a life saver!"

"Anything for you, Y/n," Dustin returned before heading back down the stairs.

"Sometimes I don't know why we're friends," Nancy joked.

"What? It's just a slice of pizza," I say and take a bite.

"That's probably like 6 hours old," Nancy noted.

I shrugged. "Who cares? It's pizza. Anyways, I should get going. Mom likes me home early on school nights. See you tomorrow, Nance."

"See ya!" Nancy called out as I headed down the stairs. In front of the Wheeler house, my car was waiting for me. It was my dad's, and when he passed away, my mom decided I should have it.  I climbed into the driver's seat and ignited the engine, enjoying the slight purr it gave as it lit. With that, I pressed down on the gas and drove home.


"Hey Nancy. Hey Barb," I greet the two as I entered he high school.

"Hey, Y/n. Why are you in such a hurry?" Nancy asked.

"I've gotta get some studying in for a test," I respond. "Why?"

"Well, I was gonna tell you and Barb about my call with Steve Harrington last night," Nancy spoke.

"Yeah, I'm not really interested. No offence, Nance," I apologize. "I'll see you at lunch later." After school, I headed straight home like I usually did, and to my surprise, my mother was home. She worked as a clerk at the local police station, so while she didn't have the busiest schedule, she was usually at work this time of day. And while the money was decent, my father's pension was what really kept us afloat. The company he had worked for had decided that they wanted to continue supporting us after he died, and my mother, sister, and I were extremely grateful. "Hey, mom. What are you doing home so early?"

"Will Byers is missing," my mother, Marilyn announced. "Apparently he didn't make it home last night."

I frowned. "What? But I saw him last night. Everything seemed okay."

"I know," Marilyn confirmed. "That's why I'm here. Hopper wants to talk to you just to help create a timeline. I told him I'd pick you up and bring you down to the station."

"Right. Okay," I murmur. "Let me just drop my backpack off in my room and I'll meet you in the car."

At the Hawkins Police Station, things were hectic. Deputies were flying across the office trying to answer phone calls and put information up on a board. My mother's desk, which was usually pretty tidy, had stacks of papers and file folders on it. Even Florence, the receptionist, looked concerned.

"I'll leave you to it. I'm gonna sort through some of this stuff while you and Hopper talk," Marilyn declared. My mother then took a seat at her desk, leaving me to venture deeper into the station alone. I knew this place like the back of my hand. I mean, my mom had held this job for as long as we had lived here. With that being said, I was also very familiar with the people who worked here.

"Y/n! There you are!" Hopper exclaimed as I entered his office. When I got to his desk, he stood up and met me there, pulling me in for a big hug. Hopper had sort of become a second father to me. After my dad died, he was always there, helping me whenever I needed it. "How are you?"

"Good. I'm good," I answer. "My mom said you wanted to talk to me about Will Byers."

"Yes. Um, you were at the Wheelers' house yesterday night, weren't you?" Hopper inquired.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Great. I just need you to tell me everything that happened then," Hopper requested.

"Sure. Um, I went over to hang out with Nancy. The two of us hung out for a while, you know, talked about all kinds of things. I left around 8, and as I got to my car, I saw Dustin, Will, and Lucas leaving as well. Since Will has the farthest bike ride, sometimes I like to offer him a ride home. It's dark out, and he has to go to the outskirts of town, so I figure that I'd save him the scary trip. Like always, last night he declined, saying that he'd be fine on his own. And that was the last I saw of him. After that I went straight home," I explain.

"Mmhmm," Hopper hummed and jotted some notes down on his small notepad. "Okay. I think that's all I need from you, Y/n. If I have any other questions, I'll let you know. I'm gonna need your mother to stay and finish up a few things around here, so I'll have one of the deputies drive you home."

"Sounds good," I comment. "I hope you find him, Hopper."

The Fate of Hawkins; A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now