Chapter Two: The Mall Rats

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Y/n's POV

"You think Robin knows we always come back here on our lunch break to make out?" Steve asked against my lips as he pushed me up against the wall of the dry storage room in the back.

"There's no way she doesn't know. I mean, I always tell her we'll be eating in here, so I think she just assumes what we're doing and knows not to come in," I figure. "Now please stop talking and kiss me."

"Yes ma'am," Steve obeyed and smashed his lips to mine. I hummed in pleasure against his mouth, the taste of the pizza we had for lunch still lingering on his tongue. The past six months Steve and I had been dating were wonderful. And while most of our days were spent serving ice cream to mall patrons, we still managed to make the most of it. Steve began to leave a trail of kisses down my neck, and when he got to my collarbone, he started to suck lightly. Usually, I would've liked that, but since we were at work, I couldn't allow it. "Y/n!" Steve whined when I pushed him away.

"Steve!" I mock back. "You know you can't do that at work. You're gonna leave marks all over me, and then the customers are gonna judge me."

"Screw the customers," Steve muttered. "But okay. I'll stop."

"Steve! Y/n!" Robin called from the front. "Someone's here to see you!"

"Henderson!" Steve cheered. "You're back!"

"You got the job," Dustin noticed.

"I did," Steve confirmed. Him and Dustin then did their cute little handshake, and while I smiled at it, Robin just looked embarrassed to be witnessing it. When it was all said and done, I made my way around Steve and gave Dustin a hug.

"It's so good to see you again!" I chirp. "Seriously. You have to tell us everything about camp."

"Question," Robin interjected. "How many children are you friends with?"


"No, no. No way," Steve disagreed. "Hotter than Phoebe Cates? I don't believe it."

"Brilliant, too," Dustin added and ate a spoonful of ice cream. "And she doesn't even care that my real pearls are still coming in. She says kissing is better without teeth. So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?"

"Yeah, but it kind of gets tiring after a while," I respond. "And ice cream also isn't the best thing to be eating everyday. Especially if I've got a shift at the pool."

"I thought you usually worked at the pool in the afternoons," Dustin brought up. "So why are you here instead?"

"I traded shifts with Heather and took the morning one," I state. "I needed a break from Billy."

"But yeah, the eating ice cream every day isn't really a good idea for me either cause I've gotta keep in shape for the ladies," Steve joked.

"Yeah, and how's that working out for you?" Robin teased from where she was wiping down the countertop at Scoops.

"Ignore her," Steve advised.

"She seems cool," Dustin pointed out.

"She's not," Steve opposed.

"What? Robin's the best," I claim. "You just don't like that we gang up to tease you. Speaking of, where's the rest of the gang?"

"They ditched me yesterday," Dustin answered. "My first day back. Can you believe that shit?"

Steve frowned. "Whoa. Seriously?"

"I swear to God," Dustin verified. "They're gonna regret it, though, big time, when they don't get to share in my glory. So listen to this. Last night, I was trying to get in contact with Suzie, and I intercepted a secret Russian communication."

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