Chapter Four: Will the Wise

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Y/n's POV

"Okay, but your mom's cooking is out of this world," Steve commented. "Seriously. Her baked ziti is my favorite food right now."

"You know what's just as good? Her pan pizza that she'll be making this weekend," I notify him. "You can come over, if you want. I don't mind. And if you couldn't tell last night, my mom loves you. So much that I think she'd prefer you to be my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend, huh?" Steve teased.

"Don't even get me started," I grumble. "That was a whole conversation that I do not want to relive."

"So, what? She wants you to get one?" Steve asked.

"She wants me to be like her and my dad. You know, start dating in high school, get married young, buy a house, have kids. Ugh," I gag. "It sounds disgusting just thinking about it. I just want to focus on the present."

"Speaking of boyfriends, what ever happened to that boy you were dating freshman year?" Steve brought up.

"Matt? Yeah, we definitely don't need to talk about him. He became such an ass after a while. I'm so glad he changed schools," I confess as the two of us walked over to our cars, which were parked right next to each other.

"Hey Steve," Jackie waved from where she was leaning against my trunk.

"Hey Jackie. I hope I didn't make you wait long. If I did, I'm sorry. Y/n and I just got caught up talking," Steve explained.

"Steve, don't apologize. She's 12 years old. She's got nowhere to be," I say.

Jackie scoffed. "Rude."

"Shut up and get in the car," I order playfully. "Or else you can walk home."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever," Jackie muttered and climbed into the passenger seat.

"I won't keep you any longer. See you at school tomorrow," Steve said and hopped into his car. Within seconds, he was driving out of the lot. I threw my backpack into the back seat before sitting down behind the wheel and rolling my window down.

"So, you and Steve have been hanging out a lot recently," Jackie noticed.

"Nothing's going on between us, if that's what you're getting at. Just drop it," I murmur and begin to back out, only to slam my foot on the brake because someone walked behind the car. "Dustin! What the hell!"

"Sorry," Dustin apologized and walked over to my window. "My mom's gonna kill me if I'm home late, and I walked here today instead of riding my bike. Can I get a ride? Please."

"Yeah. Get in," I usher and unlock the door.

"Thank you so much Y/n," Dustin chirped and got in the back seat. His backpack vibrated a little as he moved, but I ignored it and kept my attention on the car. "Oh, hey Jackie."

"Hey," Jackie returned and looked over at me as Dustin was busy buckling his seat belt. "What, do you pick up strays now?"

"Oh shut up," I mumble and push her head away softly.


"Hey, Mrs. Wheeler," I greet the older woman over the phone. "Is Nancy there?"

"No," Mrs. Wheeler replied. "She left for school a while ago. Is she not there?"

"Oh, I think I see her now," I lie. "Sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day!"

"So?" Steve pushed.

"She's not at home," I state. "And she's not here either."

"Neither is Jonathan," Steve noted.

"Right," I confirm. "Which means they're ditching together. For what though? I mean, nothing's happening right? We're not in danger?"

"I don't think so. Wouldn't Nancy have told you if something were going on?" Steve implored.

"We haven't talked much ever since you and her broke things off. I hope she doesn't think I'm taking your side. Well, actually, I am taking your side. She lied to you about how she felt and broke your heart and made you feel like shit and....Now I'm rambling," I breathe out. "Sorry."

Steve waved me off. "Don't be. I actually like when you ramble. You start going off on a tangent about something you have strong feelings about, and then you get really flustered when you realize you're doing it. Your cheeks get all red and you get all quiet, but you shouldn't be embarrassed. It's actually kind of cute."

"You think it's cute?" I inquire.

"Y-yeah," Steve stammered, his cheeks turning the slightest bit pink. "I'm sure Matt thought so too. I'm sure a lot of people do. But it's also funny. Really funny."

"Sometimes I still hate you, Steve Harrington," I reveal.

"No you don't," Steve opposed.

"I really, really do," I affirm and glance up at the nearest clock. "Shit. I'm gonna be late for english. See if you can figure out what Nancy and Jonathan are up to. I'll do the same. We can talk about it later and share if we found anything."

"Okay. Have fun in class!" Steve shouted after me.

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