Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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Y/n's POV

"Mom, hey," I greet and catch up with her in the living room. "Before you go, here's my most recent paycheck from the pool."

"How about you keep it this time?" Marilyn suggested. "Do something nice for yourself. Or go out somewhere and have a good time with Steve."

"I don't need anything nice, and Steve and I see each other enough at work," I inform her. "So here."

"Y/n," Marilyn started.

"Mom, we made a deal. In order for us to stay in Hawkins, I had to help with bills. This is me helping. Please just take the check," I beg.

Marilyn sighed. "Fine. But I'm only taking half. You keep the rest. You know, you could start working less hours if you want. The raise Hopper gave me is enough to keep us good on the mortgage. And what you give me is more than enough for what we need. You won't admit it to my face, but I know you can't stand working at the pool. So lower your hours and work a majority of the time at Scoops."

"Are you sure? If we need the money-"

"We'll be okay," Marilyn interrupted. "I mean it."

"Okay, sure. Lowering my hours sounds like a great idea," I admit. "I'll call my boss for the pool later and talk to them. Working less wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, and having to not see Billy Hargrove often would be a godsend. As for now, I've got to get to the mall, but I'll see you later, mom."


"Excuse me. Excuse me. Ahoy!" Erica badgered and kept ringing the service bell over and over again. I rolled my eyes and set down my book, turning around to face Erica and her group of friends. I didn't want to have to deal with them today, but then again, I was the only one who could. "Good afternoon, Y/n. I'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl, please."

I shook my head. "Sorry Erica, but no. No more samples today."

Erica frowned. "Why not?"

"Because you're abusing our company policy," I reply and cross my arms over my chest.

"Where's the sailor man? Or that other girl who works here?" Erica quizzed.

"Robin's in the back on her break and Steve is out in the mall somewhere doing some important stuff. I know they usually give in to your demands, but I'm not them. I've known you for practically your whole life, so I can tell you no all I want and not give a shit. So, like I said the other day, either buy something, or leave. Your choice," I tell her.

"Ugh. Fine," Erica groaned. "I guess I will have a scoop of the peanut butter chocolate swirl."

"Great. I'll get that right out for ya," I chirp and grab the ice cream scooper from my belt. After serving Erica her ice cream, I opened the divider window and peaked my head into the break room. Robin was sipping on an orange julius, a notepad and the recorder in front of her. I knocked softly on the window, and Robin glanced up. "Hey. Erica is gone, so it's safe out here for the moment. You crack anything?"

"Yeah. I've got a whole new phrase, but I can't seem to decipher anything. You want to take a crack at it?" Robin implored.

"Yeah, sure," I answer. "If Erica comes back, just knock and I'll deal with her."

"Got it! Have fun!" Robin piped up. Robin and I then switched places, and after shutting the divider, I got to work, reading over the newest phrase Robin had translated.

"A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly," I read from the notepad. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Hey. You're not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a Russian," Steve spoke and entered the room with Dustin at his side.

"You did too!" Dustin countered.

"I did not!" Steve argued.

"I'm gonna assume the spying didn't go well," I guess.

"Steve sucks at being a spy," Dustin commented. "All he did was use the binoculars to stare at you."

"What?! I can't help that my girlfriend is hot!" Steve defended.

"Such a charmer," I tease and squeeze his cheek. "But thanks for the compliment, Steve. I appreciate it."

"Delivery for you!" a voice called out from the other side of the backdoor. I stood up and went to open the door, revealing the delivery man. He handed me a box, and I took it and set it down on the table. I then signed for the delivery, thanked the man, and watched him walk away. That's when I saw the logo on his back. A silver cat. At that moment, a few things started to make sense, and I grabbed the notepad, booking it for the food court. I hopped onto a marble ledge in the center of the seating area, and my eyes glanced around feverishly.

"A trip to China sounds nice. A trip to China sounds nice," I repeat and scan the surrounding earlier. My eyes gravitated towards the Imperial Panda, a Chinese restaurant in the food court. That was a clue. Next was, 'If you tread lightly'. Immediately, I spotted Kauffman Shoes on the second floor in the mall. I was on a roll now. The last line was 'When blue meets yellow in the west.' And I couldn't help but notice the giant clock at the front of the mall.

"Y/n," Steve breathed out and joined me in the food court with Dustin. "What are you doing? Get down from there. You could get hurt. Come here."

"What? Steve, put me down!" I protest playfully as Steve scooped me into his arms and lowered me off of the marble pedestal and to the floor. "I was in the middle of something."

"No offense, Y/n, but you looked like a weirdo," Dustin noted. "I mean, you were just standing there muttering to yourself, looking all around the mall. People were getting weirded out."

"Oh shut up! Like people don't get weirded out by you sometimes. But honestly, I don't care. That doesn't matter. I cracked it. I cracked the code," I declare.


"Well this is fun," Steve muttered as we spied on the docking door at the back of the mall in the pouring rain. All of us had a raincoat, except for Steve, so while our heads were dry, his was soaking wet. Then again, all of us were soaking wet.

"Okay, look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes," I instruct. "Those were the clues in the recording."

"They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock," Dustin stated. "What do you think's in there?"

"Guns, bombs, chemical weapons?" Robin proposed.

"Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth," Dustin noticed.

"Great. That's great," Steve said sarcastically as we watched the guards open the door to the locked storage room.

"What? It's just more boxes," I point out.

"Let me check it out," Steve requested and tried to grab the binoculars from Dustin.

"No, I'm still looking," Dustin retorted and pulled away. The motion caused the binoculars to hit the metal sheet on the roof, causing a loud clang to echo through the air. The four of us ducked down immediately, flattening ourselves against the rooftop. I held my breath, hoping the Russians wouldn't spot us, and thankfully, they didn't.

"Well, I think we found your Russians. Now come on. Lets get the hell out of here," Robin urged.

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