Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

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Y/n's POV

"Okay. Lets run through it one more time. Phase one. We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready. Phase two. Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance. Phase three. Dustin and Eddie draw the bats away. Phase four. We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and flambé," Nancy recited. "Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it," the rest of us repeated in unison. Within the next minute, we were back in Eddie's trailer, readying ourselves to go through the portal. Steve hoisted himself up the rope first, and when he made it to the other side, he flipped over and landed on his feet gracefully.

"Whoa," Robin drew out. What does he want us to do, applaud?"

"Shut up, Robin. It was pretty impressive," I comment. I climbed up the rope next, and while I tried to be as graceful with my landing as Steve, I failed miserably. My balance was off from coming through the portal, and because I didn't know which way was up or down, I fell on my back on the mattress.

"Oh god," I groan and stare back into the portal. "Eddie, you and your uncle need to invest in some better mattresses. Seriously." From there, those in the real world threw down all of our packs and gear. I slung my crossbow across my back and placed my headphones around my neck, clipping my walkman to the waistband of my shorts.

"You brought the walkman?" Steve quizzed when he saw it.

"Uh, yeah," I reply. "Just in case, you know? I'm really hoping you guys don't have to use it."

"Good luck," Eddie wished us as him and Dustin stayed back by the trailer. "Make Vecna pay, would you?"

"Make the bats pay too," I counter and give him a hug. "Stay safe, please. And remember, this is your year, Eddie Munson."

"Thanks, Y/n," Eddie said as I pulled away to hu Dustin.

"And you, Dustin Henderson, don't do anything stupid," I lecture. "I know you. I know how you think and how your mind works. If I get back here and find out you did something ridiculous I swear to God."

"Okay okay," Dustin murmured. "Jeez, Y/n. I expected a nice goodbye like you gave to Eddie. Not that!"

"Fine. Be careful and don't die," I advise and give him a hug. "I love you guys."


Walking through the woods in the Upside Down was not fun. Walking through the woods in the real world was scary enough, but this? This was a whole new level of terrifying. It was dark, and even though we had flashlights, they didn't provide enough light. I could barely see in front of me, let alone up ahead where we were going.

"Uh, I don't mean to freak anyone out, but I swear we've seen this tree before," Robin declared. "That would suck, right? If Vecna destroyed the world because we got lost in the woods?"

"We're not lost, Robin," Nancy assured her as Robin began to run ahead. "Robin, hey. Watch out for the vines! Hive mind. Remember?"

"Thank you!" Robin shouted back and kept running.

"Don't worry about her. She's just stressed. You know, scared," Steve spoke.

"Oh yeah. I know," I confirm. "I think the Upside Down has become my greatest fear. It's always dark, there are flesh eating bats, the air is toxic. Oh yeah, and there's a demon here who wants to kill me."

"He's not going to. Not on my watch," Steve stated.

"On our watch," Nancy corrected. "But it's gonna be okay because you've got the headphones. Maybe you should put them on. Just in case."

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