Chapter Eight: Papa

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Note: Hang on to your hats, folks, cause this is gonna be one long chapter

Y/n's POV

"Steve! Robin! Somebody help me!" I scream as I ran through the wasteland, attempting to escape Vecna's clutches. The uneven ground made it hard to run, but I tried my best, hopping over big chunks of rock and vines that littered the floor. "Please! Help!"

Just then, something grabbed a hold of my foot, and I fell down, my body hitting the ground with a thud. I glanced down to see that a vine had tangled itself around my ankle, and it slowly started dragging me back towards the broken Creel House. Back towards Vecna. I let out a strangled yelp as I tried to claw my way away, but the vine was too strong. With one good yank, it had be back where I started. And suddenly, vines were wrapping themselves around my whole body, lifting me up and securing me to a large tendril of rock that was poking out of the ground. My arms were trapped to the sides of me, and my legs were no use either. I was stuck.

"I got you," Vecna spoke and appeared in front of me.

"Let me go!" I yell and struggle under my binds. "Let me out of here!"

"You know, you're a special one, Y/n," Vecna told me. "Something about you is different than the others. You're so special, in fact, that I'd like to show you my plan. Would you like to see it?"

"Go to hell!" I spit at him.

Vecna laughed and gestured around us. "Oh Y/n, I'm already here." At that moment, a handful of images were forced into my head. All I saw was destruction and chaos. There were also memories from Vecna's past jumbled in with the others, and finally, everything made sense. The others needed the information I had just learned, but to get that, I needed to survive. "I'm sad to see you go, Y/n, but you're going to serve a greater purpose now."

Steve's POV

"Y/n! Y/n!" I shout and shake my girlfriend, who had frozen in her spot, her eyes glazed over. "Guys, Vecna got to Y/n. I need music right now! Look in her bag for her walkman."

"I've got it," Nancy said and tossed it down along with the headphones. "What's her favorite song?"

"I don't know," I confess.

"You don't know your girlfriend's favorite song?" Dustin quizzed.

"We don't talk about music," I defend. "I mean, we work at Family Video. That topic doesn't really come up. But now is not the time to argue with me about my relationship with Y/n. We have to save her. What cassettes does she have in there?"

"Uh, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Don't Stop Believin', Africa, Every Breath You Take," Max listed off.

"It's that one. Toss it down," I demand.

"Why that one?" Lucas asked.

"It's the song that was playing when Y/n and I had sex for the first time," I claim.

"Ew," Erica gagged. "Really, Steve? Too much information."

"You guys asked!" I retort and catch the cassette that Max had thrown down. "Oh god. I really hope this is it."

"It better be because I don't want my best friend to die," Robin stated. "Now hurry up, Steve. I'm getting anxious and I'm panicking. I feel like my stomach was just yanked out of my body and-"

I cut her off. "Robin! Not the time."

"Right. Sorry," Robin apologized. I popped the cassette into the walkman and placed the headphones over Y/n's ears before pressing play. I could faintly hear the song playing from the headphones, but after a few seconds, nothing happened.

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