Chapter Three: The Pollywog

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Y/n's POV

"Ooh. Snickers," I murmur and snag the candy bar out of Jackie's bucket.

"Hey!" Jackie shouted. "What the heck?"

"Jack, you've got more than enough candy in there, okay? I can have one snickers bar," I defend and take a bite of the candy in my hand. "God, Snickers are so good!"

"How was the party? You're home pretty early," Marilyn noted as she hung up her coat.

"Oh, uh, it was fine. It just wasn't really my thing, so Steve drove me home," I tell her.

"Steve, huh?" Marilyn hummed. "You've been spending a lot of time with him. Do you like him?"

"She totally does," Jackie butt in.

"I do not," I disagree. "And he's dating Nancy, remember? Well, I'm not too sure about that anymore after the fight they had today but...."

"Ooh. Teenage drama. Tell me everything," Jackie demanded.

"Only if I get three more pieces of candy," I put forth.

"Three? Ugh," Jackie groaned. "Fine. But I want all the gossip."

"Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," I request. "I don't want Steve and Nancy's business aired out to Hawkins."

"I promise," Jackie pledged and grabbed a hold of my hand. "Now come on! I want to hear everything."

"You girls have fun! But behave!" Marilyn shouted after us as we disappeared into my bedroom.


"Hey," I greet Steve as he was exited the gym. "Did you talk to Nancy today and figure things out?" Steve glanced around the hallway, and when no one was looking, he took my hand and dragged me into the nearest empty classroom. Since I wasn't being kidnapped, or I hoped I wasn't, I let him pull me along. "Okay, what's up, Steve? You're acting weird."

"I just didn't want anyone else to hear this, okay? Nancy wanted to talk to me during PE, so the two of us went outside to chat. She couldn't remember anything about the party. Not even our argument. I told her what happened, to which she said she didn't mean anything she said because she was drunk. But when I asked her to tell me 'I love you', she wouldn't. She couldn't. So we're officially done," Steve explained.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Steve," I apologize and give him a sympathetic smile.

Steve waved me off. "Don't be sorry. The trouble between me and her has been going on for a while now."

"Really? She never mentioned anything to me," I bring up. "Then again, we haven't spent much time together lately. Anyways, you should come over later. We can do some homework, if you want. Plus, my mom has been saying how much she'd officially like to meet you, and she wants to have you over for dinner. I know for a fact that she's making baked ziti tonight. Your favorite."

"The same baked ziti you gave me a container of last time?" Steve questioned.

"Mmhmm," I confirm and nod my head. "She's also making garlic bread."

"I guess I can spare some time," Steve spoke. "But only for your mom's cooking. Definitely not for you."

"Well well well," Billy interrupted and walked into the classroom. "What's going on here? Harrington and L/n alone together in a classroom? Didn't you just break up with Nancy yesterday? And you've already got yourself another chick, your ex-girlfriend's best friend, nonetheless. Man, that's something."

"Mind your own business, Billy," I spit at him. "You don't know what you're talking about. Come on, Steve. Lets get out of here. Something's starting to stink. I think it might be that big pile of shit over there."

"Y/n, you're amazing. Seriously," Steve insisted as the two of us exited the classroom. "I mean, did you see Billy's face when you referred to him as shit? His reaction was priceless."

"After the party yesterday, I don't have the patience to deal with him. So, I'll see you later?" I inquire.

"Yeah. I'll see you later," Steve responded. After school, Steve drove me back to my house, and the two of us climbed out of his car, slinging our backpacks over our shoulders. As we approached the front porch, I reached into my backpack and pulled out my house key. When the door swung open, the sound of the radio playing hit my ears, my mother's favorite station playing throughout the main living area and the kitchen.

"Y/n, dear? Is that you?" Marilyn asked and peaked her head out from the kitchen.

"Yeah. And I brought a guest," I announce and usher Steve into the house, closing the door behind him.

"Steve Harrington! I've been wondering when I'd get to meet you," Marilyn chirped.

"Y/n invited me over for dinner," Steve shared. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. I still make enough food for four people even though it's only the three of us now," Marilyn said. "And you're welcome over any time. I'm making baked ziti tonight. I hope that's okay with you."

"It's more than okay. Y/n brought me some once and it tasted fantastic," Steve commented. "I mean, it was the best thing I've ever eaten!"

My mom smiled. "Y/n, you never told me Steve was such a charmer." 

"That's Steve Harrington for you," I state and glance down the hallway. "Is Jackie home?"

"Not yet. She's at Amanda's right now," Marilyn answered.

"Okay. Steve and I are gonna go to my room and do some homework," I disclose. "Just call us when dinner is ready. Unless you need some help."

"I'm all good," Marilyn assured me. "Go on ahead."

"All right. Thanks mom!" I say and head off down the hallway, Steve following behind me.

"Oh, and remember to keep your door open!" Marilyn called after us.

"I know, mom!" I shout back, my cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. When the two of us entered my room, I kicked my shoes off to the side, discarded my backpack by the door, and pulled out the two beanbag chairs I had stuffed inside my closet. Meanwhile, Steve was busy glancing around my room.

"I've never been in a girl's room that wasn't painted pink before," Steve confessed.

"Been in a lot of those, have you?" I tease and grab my backpack before plopping into one of the chairs.

"Oh shut up!" Steve muttered and sat down in the chair opposite of me. "It's nice though. I like the mint color. It suits you. And you've got a mint green cassette player. What, is that your favorite color? Ooh, and who do we have on these posters here? Tom Cruise and Rob Lowe. Interesting."

"Could we just focus on the homework? Please," I beg.

"Okay. Fine. I'll stop," Steve gave in. "But can we at least play some music?"

"As long as you don't judge my music taste, then fine," I breathe out and stand up. "Find the homework you want to work on first while I pick out a cassette."

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