Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

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Y/n's POV

"This is wicked," I comment as I finished hammering nails into my wooden baseball bat. "But I should also mention that this plan sucks. I'm usually not a pessimist, but we're most likely gonna die."

"No we're not," Nancy disagreed. "We've got bear traps, gasoline lining the house, I've got a gun, you've got the bat. We're ready. And we're gonna take this creature down. Now we've just got to do one last thing."

"Ugh," I groan. "I've been dreading this part."

"You can sit out," Jonathan offered. "I think it'd be fine if just Nancy and I do it."

"No. If you guys are doing it, I should too. I'll just suck it up. Now come on," I urge. "Lets just get it over with."

"Remember. Straight into Will's room. Don't step on the trap. Wait for the yo-yo to move. And then...." Jonathan trailed off and took a deep breath. 

"Okay. On the count of three. One. Two. Three," Nancy counted.

When Nancy hit three, all of us used a kitchen knife and sliced into our palms. I winced as the metal cut through my skin, and almost immediately, blood seeped out of the cut. I hadn't made as large as an incision as Jonathan and Nancy had, but that didn't really matter. All we needed was our blood to attract this thing. After putting blood in different spots around the house, we all wrapped up our cuts and waited in the living room.

"My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes," Jonathan stated. "They blink. So think of them as alarms." Just then, someone started pounding on the door. I jumped at the noise, suddenly on high alert. But it wasn't the demogorgon.

"Jonathan? Are you there, man? It's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!" Steve claimed.

"What the hell is Steve Harrington doing at your house?" I ask.

Jonathan shrugged as Nancy went to answer the door. "I have no idea."

"Steve, listen to me. You need to leave," Nancy demanded. 

"W-what?" Steve stuttered. "No, I'm not trying to start anything, okay? Listen, I messed up. I just want to make things right. Please. Hey, what happened to your hand?"

"Nothing. It was an accident," Nancy lied.

"Wait a sec. Did he do this to you? Nancy, let me in!" Steve ordered and pushed past her into the house. 

"Steve!" I yelp and shoot to my feet. "You shouldn't be here. You need to go."

"What is... What the...What is all...What is that smell? Is that gasoline?" Steve implored. 

"Steve, you have five seconds to get out of here," Nancy threatened and cocked her gun. However, before she could start counting down, the lights around us started flickering. And I remembered what Jonathan had said. When the lights flicker, that means it's coming.

"Nancy! The lights!" Jonathan alerted her. I grabbed my baseball bat off of the coffee table and readied it, taking a fighting stance alongside Nancy and Jonathan. The three of us began to look around, but I couldn't see the demogorgon. Well, until it started clawing through the roof. Nancy fired a few shots at it, but the creature did not seem phased. 

"Run!" Nancy yelled and took off, Jonathan following behind her. I went after them, grabbing Steve's hand in mine and dragging him with me. We all jumped over the bear trap and ran into Will's room, slamming the door shut behind us. I hefted my bat higher in my hand and went to put my second one around the handle when I realized that Steve was still gripping it tightly.

"Jesus! Jesus!" Steve exclaimed. "What the hell was that?"

"Shut up!" Nancy lectured as the monster shrieked. I stared at the door, waiting for the demogorgon to come through, but it never did. I panted heavily, my hand still intertwined with Steve's, and when I heard nothing outside the door, I dropped his hand and lowered my bat. "Do you guys hear anything?"

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