Chapter Seven: The Bite

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Y/n's POV

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve demanded as Dustin sped off down the hallway.

"Yeah," Robin agreed. "What is this, like, the Indy 500?"

"It feels like we're flying! Or maybe we're in a racecar! Vroom vroom! Man it feels good saying what I'm thinking without a care in the world," I confess from where I was curled up on Steve's lap. "We should do this more often. Come on, guys. Share something."

"I want to kiss you so badly right now," Steve revealed. "But not just a peck. I want a full make out session with passion and hands and everything."

I gasped. "No way. I want to kiss you too!"

"No!" Robin opposed. "No making out right now. Not in front of me. You guys can do that in private like you always do in the dry storage room back at Scoops on your break."

"So you do know about that! Thank god," I breathe out. "I thought I was gonna have to tell you myself. I hate talking about intimate stuff with friends. It's weird. And gross."

"Okay, but seeing one kiss won't hurt you," Steve told Robin before swooping in and placing a much needed kiss on my lips.

"Steve, you got your blood in my mouth," I disclose and wipe at my lips.

"Oops. Sorry," Steve apologized and laughed as the car crashed into a set of barrels.

"Shit!" Dustin cursed. "You guys all right back there?"

"They're fine," Erica answered and climbed out of the car, opening the doors to the trunk where we were all gathered. "Come on. We gotta go, now. Get out!"

Minutes later, we were being shooed into an elevator that seemed to be going up at 100 miles an hour. Steve and Robin were busy goofing off with a dolly while I was sitting on the floor playing with my feet. I was tapping them on the ground and humming a song with the tune. It was like I was in a band.

"Steve, you're burning up," Dustin notified my boyfriend.

"Hell yeah he is. He's only the hottest guy in Hawkins," I chirp. "And he's all mine. Can you believe that? I scored Steve Harrington. It feels unreal."

"It's totally real," Steve declared. "I've got the best girlfriend in the world! Did you guys know that? Y/n's smart, gorgeous, funny, caring....and let me tell you, the sex is great."

"Hey hey hey! We're only children. We don't need to know about you and Y/n's sex life. That's too much information!" Erica gagged and took a look at his eyes. "Dustin, his pupils are super dilated."

"Steve, have you been drugged?" Dustin asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana," Steve laughed.

"This isn't funny, okay?" Dustin scolded. "I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?"

"We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how and when," Robin stated.

"Okay, they're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car," Dustin instructed.

"Ooh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve pleaded.

"Yes!" I cheer. "An orange julius and a slice of pizza sounds amazing."

"Speak for yourself. I want a hot dog on a stick," Robin chimed in.

"All right. Yeah, food. You can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked," Dustin offered.

"Uh-oh. The car's off the board. The Russians, they took the keys, like, forever ago," Steve mentioned. "That's a bummer, right?"

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