Chapter Six: The Spy

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Y/n's POV

"Wait a second. How big is this thing?" I ask after Dustin explained to us that he had a creature trapped in his cellar.

"First it was the size of a tennis ball. Now it's huge. Like the size of a microwave," Dustin declared.

"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?" Steve insisted.

"It's not a lizard," Dustin opposed.

"How do you know? How do you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve quizzed.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat," Dustin responded.

"Seriously? Yeah, that's definitely not a lizard," I agree as we rounded the corner to get to Dustin's cellar. Steve bent down next to the cellar doors to listen for any noise, and I strained my ears as well. But all was silent. I didn't hear a single peep come from the doors.

"I don't hear shit," Steve admitted.

"He's in there," Dustin promised.

"Let me see this," I mumble and take the baseball bat from Steve's hand. Using the tip of the bat, I whacked the door softly. When I didn't hear any noise, I swung the bat again, this time hitting the door with a little force. Still, I couldn't hear anything inside. After handing the baseball bat back to Steve, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Dustin, I don't think anything is in there."

"Y/n, I wouldn't drag you all the way out here if I wasn't being serious. He's in there. I promise," Dustin pledged.

"All right, listen, kid," Steve instructed and pointed his flashlight right at Dustin's face. "I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."

"It's not a prank. Now get that thing out of my face," Dustin demanded and handed Steve the key for the cellar. Once Steve unlocked the doors, he knelt down and shined the flashlight down the stairs. However, there was nothing there. "He must be further down there. Y/n and I will stay up here in case he tries to escape."

"Oh this'll be fun," Steve muttered and took a step, only for me to reach out and grab his hand.

"Hey. Stay safe, please," I beg. "And don't get eaten."

Steve gave my hand a small squeeze. "I'll be okay. Stay up here." And with that, Steve descended the stairs into the cellar. For a few moments, it was silent. I didn't hear any movement from Steve or the supposed creature that was down there, and that got me worried. "Steve? I'm getting a little worried. What's going on down here?"

"You guys need to get down here," Steve urged and appeared at the bottom of the steps. I went down first, and Dustin followed after me. The cellar smelt damp, almost like wet dirt after it rains. And it was the tiniest bit chilly, so I rubbed my arms to warm myself up. Inside of the room, Steve was holding up his baseball bat, and on the edge of it was a large, slimy shedding from whatever type of animal had been down here.

"Oh God. What in the holy hell is that?" I breathe out, clearly disgusted by the skin.

"Dart shed his skin. That means he got bigger," Dustin stated.

"What, so this thing has a name?" I inquire.

"Guys, as much fun as hearing you guys argue is, we've got another problem," Steve spoke and gestured towards the wall, where a huge hole was. I crouched down and peaked inside, seeing a tunnel spanning as far as my eye could see. And I'm guessing it went way further than that.

"Shit!" Dustin cursed. "This isn't good."


"Here," Steve offered and extended a large tin bucket full of chopped up meat over to me.

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