Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

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Note: Since Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister only involves Eleven, I skipped it in the story because there's no use for it.

Y/n's POV

"You sure you're okay?" Steve asked as we were walking back towards town. "You're still shaking."

"I'm fine," I assure him. "Just a little chilly."

"Here. Have my jacket," Steve offered and began to shrug off his gray bomber jacket.

"Then you'll only have your t-shirt," I counter. "I've at least got on long sleeves. Keep it. I'll be fine."

"Y/n, I'll be okay. Take it. Please," Steve begged and extended the jacket in my direction. I hesitated, but finally reached out and grabbed a hold of it, throwing it over my head quickly. Almost immediately, my body began to warm up. The best part though was that the jacket smelled like him.

"Thanks, I murmur and tuck my hands into the pockets.

"You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas implored.

"Yes," Dustin replied. "He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."

"But he was tiny two days ago," Max pointed out.

"Well, he's molted three times already, and he's probably gonna molt again soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. And so will his friends," Dustin explained.

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats," Steve added.

"Wait, a cat?" Lucas interrupted. "Dart ate a cat?"

"No, what? No," Dustin disagreed.

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews," I mention.

Max frowned. "Mews? Who's Mews?"

"Dustin's cat," Steve answered.

"Steve!" Dustin cried out.

"I knew it! You kept him!" Lucas figured.

"No! No, I...He missed me," Dustin defended. "He wanted to come home. I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?"

"Guys, who cares? We have to go," Max urged.

"I care! You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!" Lucas reminded Dustin.

"So did you!" Dustin countered. "You told a stranger the truth!"

"You wanted to tell her, too!" Lucas argued.

"Should we break that up or...?" I trailed off at the end of my question and looked at Steve.

Steve shrugged. "Eh. I think they can work things out. But this little love triangle thing they've got going on is good entertainment."

"Steve!" I exclaim.

"What?" Steve laughed. "It is. Are you gonna tell me it's not?" Before I could answer, screeching erupted from somewhere in the woods to my right, and it put Steve on high alert. "Did you hear that?"

"Yep. Guys!" I shout to get the kids' attention. "Come on. We've got to move." Steve and I then trekked deeper into the woods, and we came upon a small plateau overlooking Hawkins. In the distance, I saw the lights of a square building flickering but then go out, and it seemed like the noise was coming from there.

"It's the lab. Those things, they were going back home," Lucas realized.


"Would you guys be quiet?!" I hiss at the kids, who were making the most noise possible. "You're gonna alert those dogs to where we are, and since there's no shelter here, we'll be dead."

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