Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street

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Y/n's POV

When I walked into school the next morning, I saw Barb and Nancy walking together up ahead. And by the looks of it, Barb was quizzing Nancy on the chemistry test we had later today. I walked up to the two of them just as Barb was reading another question.

"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become what?" Barb asked. 

"Unoccupied space," I butt in.

"Y/n!" Nancy groaned playfully. "I'm trying to study here."

"Nancy, you're gonna so great," I assure her. "Seriously. Stop freaking out."

"Says the smartest person in the school," Nancy retorted.

I scoffed. "I'm not the smartest person here."

"Yeah you are," Barb agreed. "And don't try to deny it either." Just then, I saw Steve approaching us with Tommy and Carol, and I immediately wanted to turn around and walk the other way. I linked my arms through both Nancy and Barb's, urging them to turn around.

"Maybe we should go this way for a change," I suggest. But it was too late.

"Hey! Nancy! Wait up!" Steve shouted and caught up to us. "My dad left town on a conference, and my mom's gone with him because she doesn't trust him. So are you in?" 

Nancy frowned. "In for what?" 

"No parents? Big house? A party, duh," Carol responded.

"But it's Tuesday," Nancy pointed out.

"It's Tuesday," Tommy mocked, earning him a laugh from Carol.

"Come on. It'll be low key. It'll just be us. And you can bring Y/n and Barb, if you want," Steve offered.

"Hang out with Steve Harrington? I think I'll pass," I announce.

"Hey guys, look," Tommy instructed and pointed behind us. I turned around to see that he was pointing at Jonathan Byers, who was hanging something up on the bulletin board. I didn't even have to see the flyer to know that it was about Will's disappearance.

"Oh, God, that's depressing," Steve commented. 

"Seriously, Harrington? His brother is missing. Show some respect," I mutter and leave the group to walk over to Jonathan. "Hey, I uh, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about everything. I really hope you guys find Will and everything's okay."

"Oh. Um, thanks," Jonathan mumbled as the bell rang.

"I have to go. Chemistry test. But good luck on your search. I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts," I tell him as the intercom crackled.

"Attention, faculty and students. At 8:00 p.m. tonight, there will be an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers and his family. All are encouraged to attend. Volunteer signups for search parties are still available in the office."

Later that night, I was lounging around in my room, reading a magazine with my radio playing in the background. I usually would've been helping my mom make dinner, but tonight she said she'd be fine on her own, so I used my free time to relax. And everything was great, until Nancy called and explained to me her dilemma.

"Nancy, I don't want to go to Harrington's party," I reveal.

"But I don't want to go by myself," Nancy spoke. "And come on. Steve's not that bad."

"You already know how I feel about him. I don't need to tell you how much I dislike him again," I say.

"Come on. Please," Nancy begged.

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