Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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Note: Since the last three episodes of season 4 are longer and more action packed, these chapters will be longer than the other ones

Y/n's POV

"Oh my god! Steve!" I shout when I emerged from the other side of the portal. 

There were these huge bats attacking him from every direction. Two of them were busy chomping into his sides while the other was using it's tail to choke him. I dropped my tote bag to the floor before picking up an oar by the boat and used it as a weapon. I whacked one of the bats right across the face, sending it flying away from Steve's abdomen. Before I could even deal with the other one, Nancy was already on it, smacking it in the head to get it to let up its grip. Then came Robin and Eddie, the two of them tackling the bat that was wrapped around Steve's throat. Within a minute, Eddie and I had killed our bat, and Robin and Nancy had killed there's, leaving just Steve with one. He grabbed it by the tail and slammed it into the ground, and then stepped on it and ripped it's body in half.

"Jesus Christ," Eddie murmured.

"Steve! Hey," I greet and scan my eyes over his body. "Are you okay?"

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh," Steve pointed out. "But other than that, yeah, never better."

"Thank god," I breathe out and give him a hug.

"Y/n, you're gonna get blood on you," Steve warned me.

"Steve, I got your puke on me last summer," I remind him. "And who knows what else I've been covered in because of these creatures we've faced. I honestly don't care. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah. Me too," Steve agreed and squeezed me.

"Also, that was hot," I add.

Steve laughed. "Thank you?"

"Oh. Here," I offer and pull his shoes and socks out of my tote bag. "You should probably put these on."

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have rabies?" Robin asked. "It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already dead."

"Robin? Do me a favor and shut up," Steve requested as he slipped on his shoes and socks.

"Uh, guys? Look," Nancy directed and pointed to the sky. I followed her finger, and my eyes spotted a larger swarm of bats heading in our direction. I was exhausted from just facing two bats, plus swimming to the portal took a lot out of me. If it came down to another fight, I didn't think I'd survive. I then glanced behind us, and I saw that there were trees. Trees mean a place to hide.

"The woods. Come on," I urge and drag Steve along with me, the others not too far behind.


"That was close. Too close," Robin muttered as we were hunched under a big pile of rocks. The swarm of bats flew right over our hiding spot, not even sparing it a second glance. I let out a breath and pushed myself away from the rocks, wiping a stray strand of hair out of my face. And that's when I heard it.

"Hello, Y/n," a voice whispered through the darkness. I turned in a circle, a frown etched upon my face. Where did that voice come from?

"Uh, Y/n? You okay?" Eddie quizzed.

"I just..." I trailed off and shook my head. "Yeah. I'm good." It was then that I noticed Steve didn't look too good. He stumbled slightly and leaned against the nearest wall for support, and I could tell that he felt a little week. "Steve?"

Steve waved me off. "I'm fine."

"No you're not," I oppose. "You're losing blood. Come on, sit. Robin, can you talk to him for a minute while I figure out a plan for how to help?"

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