Chapter Two; Trick or Treat, Freak

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Y/n's POV

"Tina's Halloween Party is tonight," Nancy reminded me. "I'll be expecting to see you there. Did you talk to your mom about it?"

"Of course I talked to my mom about it," I respond. "She said no alcohol, but if I'm going to a party, specifically one of Tina's parties, I'm gonna need a drink."

"Ooh. Breaking one of mom's rules. Y/n's becoming a rebel," Nancy commented.

"Oh shut up," I counter and shut my locker. I then glanced up, and I saw that Billy was walking down the hallway. As always, he looked hot. But today he seemed to look better than usual. Nancy noticed me staring, and when she saw that I was looking at Billy, she smirked.

"Do you think Billy is coming to the party tonight?" Nancy wondered.

I shrugged. "I don't know, and nor do I care."

"You definitely care," Nancy opposed. "You like him, Y/n!"

"No I don't," I disagree. "I've had a decent conversation with him a total of one time, and that was on his first day here. Now we just greet each other in class and don't say a word. That's not attraction, Nance. That's just being an acquaintance."

"But you stare at him every time you see him," Nancy pointed out. "That means you think he's hot."

"I can think he's hot and not like him," I note and shoulder my backpack. "I've gotta get home. See you tonight, Nancy." I walked out of the school and to my car, only to notice that I was parked right next to Billy. And what do you know, he was leaning on the back of his car, glancing around the parking lot.

"Y/n, hey," Billy greeted.

"Hey, Billy," I return.

"Nice car," Billy commented. "1977 Range Rover, and in classic white."

"Oh, thanks. It was my dad's," I share. "You waiting for someone?"

"My sister. She's running late," Billy said.

"She's probably just talking to someone," I guess. "Girls get easily distracted. Speaking of, I'm running late. I promised my mom I'd help her clean today. See you around, Billy. Oh, but before I go, were you planning on going to Tina's party tonight?"

"Hell yeah," Billy muttered. "If there's a keg, I'm there."

"I guess I'll see you there then," I say and climb into my car.


"Remember what I said. Be home by midnight, and absolutely no drinking," Marilyn lectured.

"I got it, mom," I confirm. "But uh, could you drop me off before you go out with Jackie? I don't feel like driving, and the house is on the other side of town."

Marilyn sighed. "I guess. Meet me in the car." 

It didn't take long to get to Tina's house. I had my mom drop me off a block away though so she couldn't see how crazy the party was. I could hear it from down the block. When I arrived, the party was in full swing. There were beer kegs outside that people were chugging from, drunk teenagers stumbling around, and loud music blaring from the house. I dodged a pair of girls that were helping each other down the driveway and narrowly missed getting a drink spilled on me as I approached the front door. Inside, the house was packed. I squeezed through the crowd to get to a less populated space, where I just so happened to bump into Steve.

"There you are!" Steve cheered when he saw me. "Nancy and I were afraid you weren't gonna show. Nice Wonder Woman costume, by the way."

"Thanks. Your Tom Cruise outfit is pretty spot on too," I tell him. "Where's Nancy?"

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