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I stretched and continued to work on my algebra test. Though it just started,  I'm almost done with it. I finished the last question and stood up. People stared like usual as I walked to the front of the class, and gave my test to Mrs. Packerton. She smiled and I went back to my seat and sat down.

"The algebra test sucked!" Larry groaned and took a bite of his pizza. I chuckled. "No, not really Lar." Ash rolled her eyes. "It's not for you since you're good at every class!!" I shook my head. "Not every. I'm horrible at art." Ash shrugged and bit into her pizza. "We hanging out today right? It is a Friday." Larry looked at us and I nodded. "Todd?" I looked at Todd and he shrugged. "I might not come this weekend since Neil wants to hang out." I nodded. "Well if you and Neil want to stop by, you two can." Ash smiled. I lifted my prosthetic and carefully maneuvered the pizza under my prosthetic to eat.

I walked out of the art class and to my locker to put my stuff away for the day. I grabbed my bag and slumped it over my shoulders. I closed my locker and sighed. Today was pretty boring. Though, nothing is very fun in Nockfell. I started walking towards the door since I knew Larry and Ash were waiting outside near a tree. I was near the door when I got shoved into a locker. I looked fast enough to see Travis walk away. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the building. "Took you long enough!" Larry teased me and chuckled. "Yeah yeah you're slower than me." I giggled and walked off towards the apartments. Ash followed then Larry followed behind us. Ash walked up next to me and giggled. "Let's beat him to the apartments!" I nodded and we both started running quickly towards the apartments.

"You fucking pricks!!!" Larry panted and flopped down on the floor while me and Ash were already dying on the floor. We got back to the apartment a minute or two before he did. We were currently laughing since he was so slow. "What was that about me being slow?" I stared at him and chuckled. Larry groaned. Ash stood up. "I need to piss." She stretched and walked out of the room.

"You cheated you fucking dumb Blueberry!!!!" Larry threw his controller and walked out to get another slice of pizza. Ash started laughing. "He's just jealous of my SKILLS!!!" I chuckled and Larry walked back in with the pizza box. "Mom didn't want anymore so she gave the box to me." I rolled my eyes. "This is the third box you've finished off." Larry shrugged. "And? It's good." Ash chuckled. "You're so dumb." She then stood up and stretched. "I'm pretty tired. I'm going to go home." We both nodded. "Goodnight Sal and Larry." She waved and grabbed her jacket. She then walked out. Larry plopped down on his bed and yawned. "Do you want to stay here or go back to your apartment?" He looked over at me. "I'll stay here." Larry nodded and moved over to the other side of the bed. I stood up and sat down on the bed. "Movie?" I chuckled. "Movie." I got comfortable on his bed and he picked a horror movie. "Sorry if you wanted to like... Watch a happy pony movie or anything." I rolled my eyes and nudged him in the rib. "OW!!! Jerk!" I chuckled and then he started the movie.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now