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"SallLllLl you got PITZA on my HOMEWORK!!!!" Larry started fake sobbing at the grease stain on his paper. "Larry no one says pizza like that." Todd laughed and pushed his glasses up his nose. "How is it pronounced then?! Pissa?" I laughed. "It's not piss?" Larry shrugged. "Okay fuckers, leave me alone on how I pronounce pizza!" Larry rolled his eyes and me and Todd started laughing. "Whatever you say buddy." Todd set his pizza down to continue to work on his homework.. For next month. "If Todd somehow doesn't get accepted into college and Larry does I'm going to curl up into a ball and die." Todd chuckled. "I could probably go to 5 colleges and survive." Larry rolled his eyes. "You're going to become the new fucking Albert Einstein!" I started laughing. Then I choked on my pizza. "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!!!" Larry started laughing at me and I threw his pizza at his face. "RUDE?!?"

The worst thing to listen to in the morning is a squeaky fucking marker against the board. I know chalk on the board is worse but still. I swear this teacher fucking does it on purpose. I kept dozing off during class since I didn't sleep well last night and went to Larry's but I still couldn't sleep. "Sal fisher! If you continue to doze off in my class I'll send you to the office!" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes!! It's 9, you shouldn't even be tired?! You kids always stay up late playing stupid video games." He huffed and continued on with the lesson. I grumbled under my breath and continued to try to focus on the lesson he was teaching.

Travis and I talked a bit when we saw each other in Mrs. Packertons class before it started. He said he would try to come over this weekend but he didn't know if his father would agree or not because of what his homework score is, or because he's been leaving the house a lot on the weekends now. Which I understand, but I hope Travis doesn't get hurt because of me. I also hope he doesn't get hurt because of homework. We get our scores back on Thursday since we're getting more homework tomorrow. This week seems like it's going by so slow!! Once the bell rang I walked to my locker and put my bag away. I then walked into the cafeteria and sat down with everyone else. "Not hungry today Sal?" Ash looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah, I'll just steal Larry's apple." I looked at Larry's tray and took his apple. "Rude!! What if I wanted that apple?!" I chuckled. "Since when did you like green apples?" Larry grumbled. "I uh... I don't.." Ash laughed and I unbuckled my bottom strap to eat the apple. "Hey, you gonna hang out with us this weekend? Or are you going to ditch us!!" I laughed. "We'll see. I don't mean to ditch you guys!" Ash smiled. "It's no biggie Sal. He's just being dramatic." Todd nodded. "Yeah. Though, Neil is coming over with me this weekend so he may miss you!" I smiled and nodded. "I see. I'll try to. Don't be too sad if I don't.. Cough.. LARRY." Larry glared at me and me and Ash started laughing.

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