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I walked into the house because I forgot to pack something for lunch. It seemed like Elizabeth was in the shower since she wasn't out here. I walked towards the kitchen but then I saw a random phone that I knew wasn't hers. I turned it on and there wasn't a password so I looked at the contacts.

S: What's making you feel this way?
T: I wanted to tell you later when I was more ready but I just can't do this shit right now. I've been abused by my father since I was 6.

I've read enough. He's told someone about what goes on in THIS house. I set the phone down and walked out of the house. I then called the school. "Hello?" They answered. "Hi, I'm Kenneth, Travis' dad. Tell him to come home right after school is over and that he can't go anywhere else." I walked to my car and got in. "Alright." I turned the car on and smiled. "Thank you. Have a good one." I hung up the phone and drove back to work.


I felt bad that I couldn't tell Sal that I couldn't come over, but I had to go home right after school. Something could of happened to mother. I walked inside the house and everything seemed normal. Mother was on the couch. "Hi dear, I thought you were going to your friends?" I shrugged. "The school told me to come home for some reason." She nodded. "Alright. I'll tell you when I'm making dinner!" I smiled and walked towards the stairs. "Alright!" I walked upstairs and into my room and grabbed my phone.

T: Sorry I didn't meet up, the school told me to go home.
S: It's alright, Larry really has been wanting me to hang out with him and the gang for awhile now.
T: Oh.. That's my fault. I'm sorry
S: No no! It's alright haha. I told him to deal with it.
T: alright.. Well I'm going to shower. I'll see you later Sal!


I put my bag near my nightstand and I walked out of my room. "Giz, want to go see everyone?" Gizmo jumped off the couch and followed me. I smiled and grabbed his bowl of food. "Alright then, let's go!" I chuckled and we walked out of the apartment and towards the elevator.

I walked into Larry's apartment and they were all talking in his apartment. Me and Giz walked towards his bedroom and walked in. "Mom I told you-" They all turned to look at me as if I was Lisa but Larry stopped talking when he realized it was me. "Hey stupid! I'm not your mom." I chuckled and Gizmo walked over to Ash happily. "I thought you weren't coming over?" Larry stared at me and I shrugged. "Change of plans." Ash smiled and scooted over. "Come sit!" Gizmo happily purred on her lap.


I was sitting on my bed reading when I heard the front door open and close. Usually, he doesn't bother me. I was very.. Very wrong today. "TRAVIS GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!" He shouted up the stairs and my heart instantly started beating. "TRAVIS HURRY THE FUCK UP, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID." I then froze. I didn't know what I was doing but I grabbed my phone.

T: Sal please
T: Sal
T: Sal he knows
T: Sal help me please
T sAll

He opened my door and grabbed me by the back of my shirt. "Wait- Please!" He dragged me down the stairs and threw me towards the ground. "Father! Please!!" He hit me multiple times out of anger. I knew this since he hit 2x stronger when he was mad.


"Hey, dude?" Larry looked at me and I paused the game. "Yeah?" He grabbed my phone. "Someone texted you a lot." He tossed me my phone and I looked at it. I opened the messages and it was all Travis.

T: Sal I need to get out of here
T: Sal please
T: Sal
T: Sal he knows
T: Sal help me please
T sAll

There were many more than just this.

S: Travis? I'm here now.
S: Are you there?
S: Travis..
S: Shit.

I called him and it rang multiple times. "Fuck man.." I hung up and called again. It rang and rang. At this point everyone is looking at me. I hung up and stared at my phone in worry. "Fucking Christ Phelps." I stood up and ran out of the apartment from the back doors Larry had.

I was almost to his house. I got out my phone and called the police. "911 what's your emergency?" I continued to run. "My friend.. Travis Phelps.. Is being abused by his father." "The preacher? He would never-" I grumbled. "Right right. That's why, you're going to listen to everything. Until you believe me." I finally reached the house. "Don't say a word. Just listen. I promise you, I'm not tricking you. Please just agree." I stood outside the house waiting for agreement. "Fine. I'll be listening." I nodded and turned off my phone so that I didn't accidentally hang up. That's when I heard a crash in the house.


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