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It's been two weeks since Sal and I first hung out. We did hang out again last weekend and we had fun. Though last week I went into a depressive state out of nowhere.


T: Sal.. I really can't do this shit right now.
S: What's wrong Trav?
T: I fucking hate it here and I just want.. I want to get out, I want to be free.
S: Free how?
T: I want to die Sally.
S: Travis.. Don't. You're so much better than this and you're strong. I will help you get through this.
T: Thanks..
S: What's making you feel this way?
T: I wanted to tell you later when I was more ready but I just can't do this shit right now. I've been abused by my father since I was like 6.
S: Holy shit. Travis I'm so sorry.. No one deserves that.
T: Thanks Sal.. I'm truly glad you're my friend.
S: No problem Travis. If you ever need someone to talk to or use, please come to me and not yourself.
T: Thank you. I really needed that. You deserve so much more.

Sal (present)

"Wake up stupid!" Larry hit the back of my head and I groaned. "Why?!" Larry chuckled. "Because you're hurting my shoulder!" I sighed. "Larry, it's fucking lunch break, so give me a break." Ash laughed. "Here Sal, I won't complain like doofus over there." I chuckled and gently put my head on Ash's shoulder. "Thanks Ash." Ash smiled. "No biggie! You still have 10 minutes so rest up buddy." I smiled and continued to rest on her shoulder for the rest of the lunch break.

We had 3 more classes left of the day then it would finally be done. I did have to go to Larry's apartment after school because I forgot something there and we're going to work on homework with Todd. Mostly us working on homework is me and Todd doing all the work and Larry copying the answers down. Sometimes me and Todd would put the wrong answer so that Larry would get it wrong then we would change it after we left his apartment later. Usually he would look confused when the teacher passed the homework back out and we got everything right and he got some wrong. Sometimes everyone always would ask me why Travis doesn't bother me as much anymore but I always just say I don't know. Travis still isn't ready to try and become friends with everyone else, which is okay. I sometimes, feel this way, towards Travis. I may have a small crush on him. It only happened because he walked out of the bathroom since he showered and his hair was messy and he didn't have a shirt on.. I swear.. Travis was always handsome, yes, but he always looked so serious yet so dumb. He looked dumb because his hair was styled so horribly and it didn't look natural. He said that it was and wasn't exactly his natural hair color. It originally was a darker and more natural blonde but his father didn't like that since Travis had a lot of his mother's genetics so he bleached Travis' hair. Travis said they do that like every few months and he's very insecure about his hair since it's unhealthy but it reminds him a lot of his father. One day, Travis said he would gladly show me his natural hair color. That's when I woke up from my trance since the bell rang to go home. Did I think about random stuff instead of pay attention? Yes, yes I did.

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