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I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I shut the door behind me and sat on my bed. I then reached behind my bed and looked at my phone to realize I had a message from Sal.

S: Travis? I need to tell you something.
T: Sorry, I was showering, what's up?
S: Oh, well I uh.. I want to confess something.
T: Yeah? What's on your mind?
S: Well I uh.. Travis I like you.
T: Oh. That was uh.. Sudden.. Wow. Uh.
T: If I'm being honest I have to tell you something too.
S: Oh.?
T: Haha.. I've maybe liked you ever since you moved to Nockfell.
S: Really?
T: Yeah. I just.. I didn't know how to express it since I've never liked.. You know.
S: Lol. You've never liked a guy. I understand, I haven't either.
T: Thanks for understanding Sal. Though, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. Just because of my father and I don't fully know how to feel.
S: That's perfectly fine Trav. I'll wait for you and be there for you whenever you're ready.
T: Thank you Sal. You truly mean a lot to me. Not more than Phillip though ;)
S: Fuck you.
T: Haha! I'll see you tomorrow at the bleachers after school?
S: Yeah! See you then.
T: See ya. Faggot
S: I'm going to kill you.

He likes me! Sal actually likes.. Me!? I never thought he would actually like me back. I can't believe it. I can finally die in peace now. I'm kidding. I'm so funny!


It was finally lunch break and I grabbed my tray and sat down. "Hey Sally face!" I chuckled. "Hey Larry face!" Ash smiled. "Hey Sal." I waved. "Hey Ash and Todd." When I looked back at Larry his pizza was gone. "Excuse me, sir." Larry looked at me. "Yes..?" I blinked. "What uh. Happened to your- WHERE THE HELL DID MY PIZZA GO." Larry grinned and shrugged. "I wouldn't know!" I rolled my eyes. "Anyways.. What happened to MY and YOUR pizza?" Larry shrugged. "Hmm... I don't know Sal! They must be in my stomach." Ash chuckled and shook her head. "You fucking pig! What if I was hungry!?" Larry grinned. "I got this juicy green apple here.." I snatched it off his tray and happily ate the apple. "I'm still hungry." Larry groaned and got up to go buy another apple for me. "Thanks Larry poo!!!" Todd snorted. "Larry poo?" I nodded and chuckled.

School was finally over and I went to the bleachers. I waited for awhile and he didn't show up. I waited for a bit longer until a few people were gone but he still didn't show up. Maybe something came up? I hope he's alright. I walk away and walk back to the apartments.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now