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I yawned and blinked a few times to adjust my eyes. Then my chest felt heavy. I looked at my chest. "LARRY GET YOU'RE FUCKING HUGE ASS BODY OFF OF ME!!!!" I started kicking around since he's too heavy for me to shove off. "WAKE UP YOU DUMBASS PRICK!!!!!" I hit him on the leg since his leg was falling off the bed. "WAKE UP!!!!!!" I then hit him in the rib and he quickly woke up. "OW WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!!!!!" Larry then looked at me and realize 90% of his FUCKING BODY was on ME. "Oh, oops!" He rolled off the bed and I hit him on the head. "Ow! It's not my fault I move in my sleep!!!" I grumbled. "Fucking fat HORSE!!!" Lisa opened the door and chuckled. "Breakfast is ready, boys. Ash, Todd, and Neil are here too." I got off the bed and kicked Larry in the leg. "You fucking horse!" Larry groaned and stood up. "Stop cyberbullying me!!!" I rolled my eyes and walked out of his room. "Cyberbullying is bullying ONLINE. Good one Larry." Larry shrugged. "Oops." I sat down next to Ash. Neil and Todd were on the couch. "We could totally hear you fighting for your life in there!" Ash started laughing. I nodded. "Fucking fat ass pig over there wouldn't MOVE!!! I could have DIED!!!" Larry shrugged. "Sadly you didn't." I quickly turned and punched him in the arm. "This is why you're single." Larry then started fake crying and Todd and Neil stood up and joined us at the table. "It's okay Larbear, you still got your mom." Todd chuckled and patted Larry on the shoulder. "I DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK WITH MY MOM!!!!" Lisa shrugged. "But I'm the cool mom." Neil nodded and gave Lisa a thumbs up. "For sure!" Ash chuckled. I grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it.


I continued to stare at my wall since he decided I shouldn't eat today. Apparently it was because I didn't do good on my algebra test. But that was just an excuse to make me starve. Then someone knocked on my door. "Hun? It's your mom." I sighed. "Come in." She opened the door and her sweet smile was on her face. "Your father left to meet up with some people. Here." She gave me a plate with breakfast on it. "Your father.. Told me you won't be eating for today so.. Eat up dear." She sighed and sat next to me. I nodded. "Thanks." I ate a few pieces of food then shrugged. "I'm not very hungry right now, mom. But thank you." She slightly nodded and stood up. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Yes. I need to study." She smiled and nodded. "Alright dear." She took the plate and left.

It was around midnight once I was done doing homework and studying. I stood up and stretched. I got on my bed and reached behind my pillows and under the sheet. I carefully pulled my secret phone from the back of my bed. I usually just look at Instagram or something for a bit then sleep. I don't use it often since I don't have a charger unless whenever mother changes the sheets she charges it for me then puts it back. I looked at Instagram and there was a new post from Sal. It was him with Larry, Ash, and that gay freak Todd. And his dumb boyfriend. I rolled my eyes. But I couldn't stop staring at him. I've.. I've liked him ever since the day he moved to Nockfell and I saw him in school. I know if he ever knew he would literally kill me. But it's not like I haven't thought about doing that first. It's not like anyone truly likes me. Once I even asked Phillip to ask Sal directly if he was gay, Phillip said Sal said no. It's not like I would have a chance with fucking Sal Fisher, anyways. He probably hates my guts.

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