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"So you're telling me.. YOU NEVER PLAY GAMES YET YOU'RE THIS GOOD?!?!" I groaned as Travis totally beat my ass in this game. I thought I was good since I always won, but holy shit. Travis chuckled. "Beginners luck I guess!" He smiled and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever!!" I looked at the clock on my wall and realized what time it was. "What time did you have to be back tomorrow?" Travis thought for a moment. "Sometime in the afternoon." I nodded. "Well, we should get to bed." Travis shrugged. "What time is it anyways?" I slightly chuckled. "Well.. It's 3." Travis slowly turned his head to look at me. "THREE?!?" I chuckled. "Whoops." Travis groaned and climbed onto my bed and got comfortable. "Night faggot!" Travis chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah." I stood up and walked over to my side then I got comfortable. Usually I never would sleep with my prosthetic OR fake eye on but I have to since it's Travis. It isn't very comfortable but I'll have to deal with it. I turn and turn off the lamp. I heard Travis shuffle around a bit more then it was silent.

"Jesus Sal you can't even fucking make your own food?!?" Father shouted at me from the couch. "Dad I'm fucking 14!?!!? What the FUCK do you WANT from ME?!?" I shouted at him in anger. He quickly got up and threw his bottle at me. "YOU'RE THE REASON YOUR MOTHER IS DEAD. DEAD SAL. Learn your fucking PLACE you mistake." Tears filled my eyes. "If you would of just died instead of her I would be much happier."

I woke up from my dream and sighed. I checked the clock and it was only 6. The sun was starting to rise but it didn't shine through my windows yet. Travis was still asleep. I stared up at the ceiling for what seemed like forever.

About 3 hours later Travis started moving around. Travis yawned and sat up. "Are you awake?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Oh. How long have you been awake for?" I shrugged. "Since 6?" Travis looked at me concerned. "You only got 3 hours of sleep?.." I nodded. "Yeah. Haha" Travis shook his head. "Get some rest, I'll make breakfast." I chuckled. "Okay.. I probably won't sleep though." Travis shrugged. "That's fine. But you didn't get much sleep so just lay down." I don't think Travis realized that I was laying down for 3 hours until he woke up. But, whatever.


Me and Sal talked for what seemed like forever about nonsense just learning more about each other. He said he usually has nightmares/memories he doesn't like so he doesn't ever sleep well/much. Sadly it was around 2:30 when I decided I should probably go home by now. "Well, it was nice hanging out with you Travis!" Sal waved and I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on. "Yeah. It was nice. I'll see you at school in Monday!" Sal nodded and I left his apartment. I got in the elevator and waited for it to get to the first floor to go home.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now