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Mother was happy that I met Sal. I did tell her that Phillip invited me to "hang out" with this weekend and she said she would talk to him about it. I only ever call him, him, because I could never see him as a "father" I always wake up when he gets home because he's shouting my name and makes me go down stairs just to get beat. And it he has a bad day at work it just worsens. The only person who knows is Phillip. Soon, Sal will know. "Travis.. Your father is home!" Mother shouted up the stairs and I sighed. I was still up since I was doing homework. I slowly walk down stairs and the front door opens. He glared down at me. "F-Father.. Phillip invited me to hang out this weekend.." Staring into his eyes felt like staring into a devil. "Did his parents agree to it?" I slowly nodded. "Let me call them, then." I continued to stand against the wall and waited.

"Fine. Friday you can go, you better be back Saturday afternoon." He glared at me and I nodded. "Yes sir.." He stared at me then shooed me away. "Go to bed. I don't want to look at your pathetic face anymore." I quickly walked upstairs and shut my door. I got on my bed and reached behind it to grab my phone.

T: Sal?
S: Hi!
T: I can come over after school on Friday. But I have to go back sometime Saturday afternoon
S: That's fine! We can hang out all afternoon and night!
T: Haha, yeah. I should get to bed.
S: By the way, on Friday meet at the bleachers.

I read his text and turned my phone off then put it back. I stood up to get ready for bed.

(Skipping Wednesday)
Thursdays. I stood up and stretched. Gizmo was still sleeping on my bed. I smiled and grabbed my prosthetic and glass cup that had my eye in it. When Larry first saw that I had a fake eye I thought he was going to throw up. I had a bad nightmare and he came up here and saw it in the cup and he almost fainted. Hopefully one day I could see Travis' reaction to it. He's probably more mature than Larry so he probably wouldn't react much. I walked in the bathroom and got ready.

I saw Larry and Todd waiting for me but I started to walk past them. Larry then grabbed my arm. "Listen, dude, I'm sorry for what I said. Just quit ignoring me!" I stared at him. "What you said was a dick move Larry. 'Travis doesn't deserve help'? Never fucking say that to my face again." I yanked my arm out of his grip and flipped him off. I walked out of the apartments and towards school. Of course at some point I'll talk to him again, but right now, I want to learn more about the one person who used to bully me daily.

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