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"Dude I swear I know what I fucking saw!" I glared at Larry and he shrugged. "Listen, it's Travis fucking Phelps, he was probably pranking you." I frowned and nervously stared out the car window. "No one jokes about that Larry.." Larry groaned. "Just fucking drop it dude. That fucking prick doesn't deserve help." That boiled my blood. "Let me out." I glared at Ash. "What? We're in the middle of nowhere Sal!" I grumbled. "Let. Me. Out." Ash stopped the car. "Bye. See you at school I guess." I opened the door and got out. We were in the middle of nowhere because we were going to go out to eat but we didn't want anything in Nockfell. We were only about 5 minutes away from Nockfell. I will, find out what Travis meant.

I walked in the school since it was, Monday. I wrote something to put in Travis' locker. I walked up to his locker and out it in. I then walked to mine to put my bag away and go to class. I don't plan to talk to Larry, at all today. If someone needs help, they get help. No matter who they are. Especially Travis. Even if he's a high school bully, and my bully, if he needs help I'll get him help.


It was lunch break and I went to put my bag in my locker. Once I got it unlocked a paper fell from the top. I don't ever really put things in my locker so it was odd. I picked up the paper and opened it.

Call me.

Who sent that? I didn't recognize the hand writing either. Luckily, I hid one of my mother's old phones behind my bed a while ago so I have a phone. I guess after school I can figure out who the fuck sent this. I put the note in my bag and shoved my bag in my locker. I shut my locker and walked back towards the cafeteria to eat.


I wonder if Travis ever got my note. Hopefully he did. It would be awkward if I told some random person to call me. I guess I'll see if he did when I get back to the apartments. I was walking back to my locker when Travis shoved me against the lockers. "Hey fag, where's your goofy friends?" Travis chuckled. "Larry said some shit about someone and I haven't talked to him since. Travis scoffed. "Sucks for you!" He grinned and punched me in the face. I sighed and stood there to let the bullying continue until he felt better.


He just.. Stood there! Jesus Travis! What the fuck is wrong with me??! I'm sorry Sal.. I got out of the car and walked in the house. He was probably gone working and won't be back until later tonight. Mother walked in behind me and I walked upstairs to figure out who sent me their number. I tossed my bag next to my bed and I sat down on my bed. I reached behind my bed and under the sheets to grab my phone. It was full battery. Mother must of changed my sheets today. I opened my bag and grabbed the paper out of it. I then put the phone number in my phone and texted them.

T: Who is this?
S: Oh.. I was worried you wouldn't get it.
T: That doesn't answer my question dumbass.
S: Right.. Sorry, Sal.
T: What?
S: Cmon Travis. Sal Fisher.
T: I know it's you dumbass, just, why?
S: Well.. Uh.. Why not?
T: You're fucking idiotic.
S: ... Okay.. The real reason is I saw you do the sign for help?
T: Oh.. Uhm.. Yeah?..
S: So you.. Did?
T: Yes...
S: What's wrong? Does it have to do with your bruise?
T: Sally face, I don't want to talk about it right now.
S: I understand. I'll give you time to warm up to me.
T: Thank you Sal. By the way, I don't mean what I do to you..
S: You mean beating me up?
T: ...Yeah.
S: Haha, It's fine. I'm used to it. You obviously have your reasons.
T: Thank you. Though I still hate your friends.
S: Well, liking me is a start. You don't have to like them yet. :)
T: ...Okay.. I should go, dinners ready.
S: Ok, bye Trav.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now