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Once I walked back inside the house when Sal and his stupid friends left he punched my in the stomach. "All you were told to do was check the fucking mailbox. Am I wrong?" I shook my head. "No.. Sorry sir." He scoffed. "You better have good scores when you get your homework back tomorrow." I nodded. "Yes sir."


"How does it take you so long to copy down answers?" Larry groaned. "Shut up dude! I'm a slow writer." Todd chuckled. "Obviously." I laughed and Larry rolled his eyes. "If you two don't shut up I swear to god!" Todd giggled and grabbed a brownie that Lisa made last night.

Thursday finally! Luckily tomorrow is Friday. Travis did say last night that he did get hit by his father because of us. I apologized to him but he said it would be fine. I knew it would've happened.. All because of dumbo fucking Larry. I felt bad but Travis said he would be fine. I walked to my locker and changed books for art class. I then closed my locker and walked towards the art room to sit with Ash and Larry.

"Hey Sal!" Ash waved at me and I smiled and waved back. "Hey Ash. How are you today?" She smiled. "Good! Larry told me you and Todd were making fun of him for taking forever to finish his homework." I chuckled. "He was!" Larry scoffed. "Was not!" I rolled my eyes and Ash laughed. "He was probably taking a long time to make it look good so that the teachers don't make fun of his hand writing.." Larry groaned. "Shut up Ash!!" Ash started laughing. "Am I wrong though?!" Larry rolled his eyes and got out his scratch book to draw. "Hey Larry, what are you drawing this time?" Larry shrugged. "Boobs." Ash fake gasped. "What a shocker!!!" I chuckled and Larry rolled his eyes and continued to draw. "How is your project going, Ash?" She shrugged. "It's going. Want to see it?" I nodded. "Sure." We stood up and walked to look at her art that was drying near the back. "Oh, it's us!" She smiled. "Yeah! It's not fully done yet but it needs to dry before I do anything else to it so I'll probably take it home this weekend to work on it on Sunday." I nodded and gave her a thumbs up. "It looks good! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished!" Larry was next to us now. "Oh, yeah, it looks good Ash." Ash smiled. "Thanks guys. I'll definitely show you both and Todd when it's done."

It was finally the end of the school day and I was on the couch with Gizmo while he was watching tv. I looked at my phone and sighed. I grabbed it and opened my messages.

S: Travis? I need to tell you something.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now