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I finally figured out that I saw what I saw. I obviously won't tell anyone that I'm talking to Travis since he's not comfortable with it. Which is totally okay. We talked a lot last night and he's a pretty good guy. He apologized for bullying me but if we don't want to act like friends, he's going to continue to. I truly am curious about what he needs help with, but sadly I have to wait till he's ready.

I stretched and stood up from my seat. The bell finally rang and it was time for my next class, which was art with Larry and Ash. After that I have chemistry with Larry and Todd. Then lunch, then Algebra then another class then I'm done for today. It's only TUESDAY. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class. I walked to my locker and unlocked it to put away my math books and to get my art stuff. All I had was some colored pencils from Ash and Larry and an art book. I don't ever really color in my drawings but I never actually try to draw in art class.

Around 10 minutes into the class I left to go to the bathroom since there wasn't much to do since I haven't talked to Larry again yet. I talked to Ash a bit but it was pretty awkward and boring. I walked into the bathroom and just stared at myself in the mirror. That's when I heard quiet sobs in one of the bathroom stalls. I walked to where the sobbing was loudest and knocked on the door. "What." I could tell through the sobs that it was Travis. "Travis?" I sat down and stared at the door. "Sally?" I awkwardly smiled under my prosthetic. "That's me." Travis sniffled and scoffed. "What are you doing here?" I chuckled. "Oh, I was in art class but there wasn't much to do since I haven't talked to Larry yet." I then grabbed the bottom of the stall and pulled myself under. "What if I was shitting fucking fag!" Travis chuckled and flicked me in the forehead. "Oh. Hey are you shitting?" Travis smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't think so?" I tilted my head and smiled under my prosthetic. "That's good." Travis rolled his eyes. "Want to hang out this weekend?" I stared at Travis and he shrugged. "I can try, I'll ask my mother and.. Father.. Tonight." I nodded. "Let me know if you can or not! Even though my friends are cool, it can definitely get boring hanging out with them all the time." Travis scoffed. "I would think hanging out with them at all would be boring!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I then stood up. "I should get back to class. You?" Travis nodded. "Yeah. Probably." I held out my hand and he grabbed it. I unlocked the stall and we left the bathroom and parted ways.


I. Held. Hands. With. Sal. Fisher. He definitely brightened my whole day today. Though, I do have to ask mother and him, if I can go to "Phillip's" this weekend. I already talked to Phillip near the end of the day and he said he is fine with acting like I went to his house. His parents would be gone this weekend so it would work out. I walked in the house and mother was on the couch watching tv and knitting. I smiled and took my shoes off. I walked into the living room and sat down next to her. "Hi dear. How was school?" I smiled. "It was.. Good." She looked at me and smiled. "Your father is busy at work again. Tell me everything!" She set down her knitting stuff and turned to look at me. Her black curly hair bounced when she moved. I smiled. "I made this good friend yesterday.."

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