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I stared at Kenneth. Travis was sobbing on the floor and his mother was scared. She was so scared. "And who might you be?" He chuckled. "Don't act like you're the shit. I know who you are!" Kenneth shrugged. "Everyone knows who I AM." I glared at him. "Shut the fuck up. You know what you did." He chuckled. "No? Not really. Be specific kid." I pointed at my prosthetic. "You. You did this to me, plus you killed my mother." He laughed. "I did!! You're right!! Spot on Sal Fisher. But I meant to kill you. Never her." I heard the officer say something so she believes me. "At this point, it's not even about my mother. It's about the fact you abuse your fucking son AND wife. You're fucking disgusting! And you still are called a priest." I chuckled. "You are a fucking demon from hell. There's nothing GOOD about YOU." Kenneth chuckled. "Listen kid, you've got guts. But that's not enough." He smiled and I glared at him. "Touch Travis again and I swear to god.." Kenneth continued to stare at me. "Why would I touch him when you haven't even asked on why I tried to kill you?" I sighed. "Fine. Why the HELL did you try to kill ME." He nodded and smiled. "Good! Now, I tried to kill you because your stupid fucking father of yours took her away from ME. You are a mistake. She would of stayed with me if your father didn't come to town. So, when you were born. I looked for you. Everyday. I wanted. No, needed. To kill you Sal. If only that dumb bitch didn't get in the way." I rolled my eyes. "My mother is no fucking dumb bitch! You fucking sicko you deserve to rot in hell!!" Before I could say anything else Kenneth grabbed a knife that Mrs. Phelps must of been cooking with and threatened me. "Listen kid. You do have some guts. But in the end you're weak. Just like your mother." He chuckled. "Say one more stupid fucking thing and I will not hesitate to cut your throat open. Okay?" I could hear the sirens getting closer. They would be here anytime, but if he found out the police were for him, he'd kill me anyways. "Weak? I'm weak?! Think again. Don't forget who my parents are now." I then grabbed the knife with my hand and sliced a bit of my throat. I then pushed Kenneth back and grabbed Travis and we ran out of the house. By then the police were in front of the house and they quickly got out.


"Wait wait that's him!? Right?!" I pointed at Sal and Travis running out of the house. "Wait what the fuck?! He's bleeding!!" We all stared in shock at Sal's neck bleeding. "What the hell happened?!"


"Kid, what happened?!" The officer walked up to us and I calmed down. "Kenneth Phelps threatened me.. And hurt me! Travis is also very hurt.." They nodded and 3 officers went inside. The other one stayed with us. "The paramedics are on the way. Keep pressure on it kid. You'll be okay. It wasn't too deep." I nodded and held my hand on it. Travis hugged me. "Fuck.. Sal.. I'm so sorry." He cried into my side and I chuckled. "I'm fine Travis. I told you I'd help you. It's all okay now, Trav." By then they walked Kenneth out. Many people were surrounded. I saw Ash and Larry in front of me. Kenneth stared me dead in the eyes. I kept my head high and I could tell he was thinking. "You crazy fucking kid." I continued to keep my head high as my neck continued to bleed.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now