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It's been a year since I cut my own neck to save Travis and his mom from a fucking psycho. Me and Travis started dating a few months ago but his mom is a lot better. School ended a few weeks ago and me and Trav moved in with Todd and Neil. Larry wants to move in soon, and once we're all done with college we all want to buy a house and we all live together. Ash got a boyfriend named.. Uh.. William..? I forgot. If I'm being honest.. I would've totally fell in love with him if I wasn't dating Travis and if Ash wasn't dating him. Even LARRY said he was HOT.

"Hey guys!" Ash walked into Larry's bedroom and smiled. "Hey Ash! Anything new since we last saw you?" Ash nodded. "Well.. I got a new boyfriend.. His name is William!" Ash chuckled. I nodded. "Is he with you?" Ash nodded. "Yeah! Get in here William." She chuckled and moved. William walked in and he had fluffy brown hair and it was parted in the middle. "Okay. Ash you're definitely lucky. He's hot." Larry chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "God Larry.." Travis shook his head and laughed. Ash giggled. "How about this Larry, if I ever break up with him he's all yours." Ash chuckled and William shrugged. "He looks too.. Crazy, for me." Larry sighed. "Damn."

That was Christmas. It was definitely fun. At first Will was shy of everyone but he quickly warmed up. He's pretty funny. "Hey Sal." Travis turned to look at me and I smiled. "Hey. How did you sleep?" He shrugged. "Like usual. At least it's the weekend." He yawned and sat up. I nodded. "Yeah. Should we go visit Larry?" Travis shrugged. "I dunno.. How about we just hang out today?" I could tell Travis thought I forgot it was his birthday. "Oh, are you sure?" Travis gave me a death stare. "What is that supposed to mean?!" I chuckled. "I'm kidding!" Travis rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm gonna go shower, asshole." He walked away and I grabbed my phone and called Larry. "Hey, how's it going over there?" Larry huffed on the other side of the phone. "So.. You know. Its- ASH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I chuckled as I heard a balloon pop. "Oops. Hey Sal!" Ash giggled and shouted into the phone. Larry grumbled. "Shut up you fuckin..." Larry trailed off. "Anyways. It's going. We'll be ready by noon." I nodded. Travis peeped into the room. "Where's Todd and Neil?" I shrugged. "Must uh, be at Larry's or something." Travis grumbled and walked back out of the room.

Sorry I haven't been publishing often I sorta just forgot. I'll work on this here and there but it may take a while to get just one part published. Hope everyone is doing well and have fun reading!

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