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Once the paramedics came they said I would have to go to the hospital but they can help Travis. So, Ash, Larry, Todd, and Neil. All took me to the hospital. "We called Lisa and told her to take gizmo and the bowl of food back to your apartment and to come to the hospital." Neil smiled and I nodded. "Sal.. What the hell happened?!" Larry looked at me. "Well if you didn't HEAR ME. I said that Kenneth threatened me. Though I cut myself. I would've died if I didn't do something myself." Neil chuckled. "You're one smart kid." I smiled. "See?! At lease someone knows I'm smart!" Larry shook his head and we drove in silence the rest of the way there.

"You'll need stitches, no doubt about that. You're lucky you didn't cut deep. It was smart, yes. But very dangerous kid." The doctor smiled and walked away. Before he walked out of the room he told me. "Someone's here for you. He was very worried." I smiled and Travis walked in. "How are-" He cut me off. "Shut up. Don't ask me shit when you look like this!" I smiled. "I'm fine. You're definitely a bottom-" He cut me off again. "Sal I swear to god-" I chuckled and kissed him. "Now it's your turn to shut up." I felt happy that he didn't say anything about my face. "Rude." I chuckled. "Is my father here yet?" Travis shook his head. "He wasn't there when I was out there. Larry's mom was out there though." I nodded. Then the doctor came back in. "Kid we're going to stitch you up so.." Travis stood up. "See ya fag." He chuckled and walked out.

They said that I need to stay here for awhile until some of the stitches fall out. Which, will suck, but I'll live. They said Kenneth has to pay for the hospital bill since it's his fault. Once they were done stitching me up Travis came back in and showed me all the bruises. It looked bad. But luckily he's okay now. Kenneth is going to be in jail for the rest of his life luckily. It's been a few hours and everyone but my dad has stopped in. I already ate "dinner" so I got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.

Finally, I'm back home and now, I'm getting ready since I asked Travis out on a date. I told Ash and Larry everything that happened since me and Larry were last at the church and Larry felt bad about what he said. I brushed my hair and adjusted my prosthetic. I walked out of my room and out of the apartment.

"Hey Sal." Travis smiled and I waved and walked up to him. "How has your mom been Travis?" Travis shrugged. "She's better. Sad, but better. She'll get through it." I smiled. "That's good. How about you?" Travis walked into the restaurant and once we sat down he shrugged again. "I mean. I'm glad, but I still just.. Sal I worry about you." I blinked. "Why?" Travis looked down. "I dunno.. I just. What you did for my family was brave Sal. I don't know what I'd do to repay you, but.. When you cut your own throat I.. I didn't do shit!" I chuckled and grabbed Travis' hand. "Travis you were hurt and in shock. I knew what I was doing. But I didn't expect a knife pulled on me. But I'm fine!" Travis sighed and stared into my eyes. "God I love you." I laughed. "I know you do Travy."

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now