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I was up for a few hours before school talking to Travis since he woke up early. I was up since I had a nightmare. Travis was actually pretty fun to talk to. I was pretty tired since I was up since like 5 and it's only 9 but I'll survive. I opened my locker and put my bag in it. I grabbed the books I needed for my first class of the day and walked to class.

It was art class with Ash and Larry and I sat down and started scribbling away. "What are you in such a rush to draw?" Ash looked over my shoulder and chuckled. I shrugged. "Dunno, for some reason I'm just drawing." Ash shrugged and started working on her art assignment that she was working on getting done sometime next week. I continued to draw for the rest of the class period.

"So, what is it?" Larry stared at my drawing, visibly confused. Ash stared at it. "To me, I see what looks like a man with a dog mask in his hands, but his face is scribbled out, and someone is sitting on the ground? Oh there's also a shotgun.?" I nodded. "Sal? Is that the guy who killed your mom?" Larry looked at me. I slowly nodded. "I don't know why, but I started drawing this as if I saw it." I closed my drawing notebook and the bell rang. "See you at lunch!" Ash slightly smiled and waved. "Science time!" I rolled my eyes and Larry chuckled. We walked out of the art class and started walking towards our lockers to get our science books.

(I don't remember on if I said any order of Sal's classes because I haven't worked on this often lately, if I did let me know 😭)


It was the end of the school day and finally the last bell rang and I walked out of the classroom and towards my locker. I unlocked it and grabbed my bag then closed it and headed towards the bleachers outside.

I found Sal not too long after I walked outside and we met up. "Hey." Sal waved and I slightly smiled. "Hi." Sal chuckled and started walking away. "Hey! Wait up!!" I rolled my eyes and walked after the short blue haired boy.

"Dude you have to try the pineapple pizza!!!" I stared at Sal in disbelief. "Fuck no!!! That shit looks disgusting!!!" Sal groaned. "It's not that bad Travis!!!! Just try it!" I rolled my eyes. "No!!!" Before I could say anything else Sal stuffed a piece of the pizza in my mouth and chuckled. "Oops." I ate the bite and grumbled. "Fucking fag..." Sal turned his head sideways and looked at me. "What was that?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and eat your nasty ass pizza!" Sal opened the box and grabbed another piece of pineapple pizza. "Sucks for you, you're totally missing out!!! Anyways, what did you think of it?" I shrugged. "Personally, I like my cheese pizza!" Sal groaned. "Fucking gross! You can't say anything about my amazing pineapple pizza when you eat a pizza with just sauce and CHEESE?!" I chuckled and continued to eat my great pizza. "Disgusting!!!!" Sal bit into his pizza and I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like under his prosthetic. I wouldn't even care about what he looked like under his prosthetic since I totally fell in love with his personality. He's just so funny. One of Sal's pineapples fell and his cat, Gizmo ran at it and ate it. "GIZMO!!!!! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE PINEAPPLE! SPIT IT OUT YOU FAT PIG!" Sal grabbed Gizmo and gently shook him around. I chuckled. "You fat freaking cat!" Sal put Gizmo down in defeat and Gizmo happily walked over to me and layed down next to me. I gently pet him and continued to eat my great pizza.

My Shining Armor. (Salvis) Where stories live. Discover now