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(Wanting to finish this because I'm thinking about starting a new story. Tehe🙊)


Travis was upset that I didn't act like I knew it was his birthday at all. Larry texted me saying that they were ready and we could come whenever so I had to convince Travis. "Hey Travis? I forgot something at uh.. Larry's apartment. Can we go there real quick?" Travis stood up and scoffed. "Sure." We walked out of the park and towards the apartments.

"Sal if you just wanted to ditch me to go Larry's and to hang out with everyone else you could of just told me." Travis looked at me once we reached the apartments and I chuckled. "That's not it Trav. You'll see. Come on." I grabbed his hand and we walked into the apartment and to the elevator.

I opened Larry's apartment door and everyone jumped out. "Surprise!!" Travis walked in and froze. Ash giggled and I smiled. "You really thought I forgot your birthday?" Travis' mom and Lisa were sitting at the kitchen and smiled. Travis started to tear up and I hugged him. "Thanks everyone.." Larry chuckled and hugged us. "You're our friend now too, Travis. Happy birthday." Larry walked away towards the kitchen and I let go of Travis. "Come eat this cake I've been wanting to eat it forever!" Larry groaned and Todd rolled his eyes and we all walked towards the kitchen.

"Do you like your gifts?" I looked at Travis and he smiled and nodded. "I do. Thanks everyone, again." Neil nodded. "You're welcome!" Larry stretched and walked over to his tv. "Anyone up for some video games?" He chuckled and Ash grinned. "Hell yes!" She walked over to the bean bags and sat down next to Larry. Todd and Neil were sitting next to them on the floor and me and Travis were on the bed.

"Is it raining?" We all looked at each other and Larry shrugged. "Possibly?" I grinned and Ash looked at me like she had the same idea. "Let's go!!" She chuckled and we all got up and ran outside. It was definitely raining. We all danced and had fun in the rain then I plopped down on the wet grass. "Today was fun." Travis smiled and layed down next to me. Soon after everyone was on the floor too. "I hope you had a good birthday Travis." Larry laughed and Travis nodded. "I did. Thank you guys a lot." We let the rain fall on our body's as we continued to lay there.

Sorry if this ending was shitty and rushed I sort of want to try writing this yandere story because I recently have been watching itsfunneh's yandere series again and it inspired me to write a story sort of based off of it? I'm sorry this was short and that it's the end but I also don't know what else to write for this one so I'll leave it off here!

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