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Something about today felt off. I can't understand why, it just feels weird today. Todd said it was supposed to rain today but that's not it. I also really need to take that drawing home since I feel uneasy everytime I look at it in my locker. That dog mask. Is what killed my mother, and I can feel that it's somewhere here. In Nockfell. I can't understand why.

I walked to my locker to put my bag in it for lunch and Travis walked by. "Oh, hey." Travis stopped and walked over to my locker. "Hey." Travis slightly smiled. "How is your day?" I shrugged. "Dunno, I've been feeling off all day." Travis nodded. "Oh, what's that?" Travis reached into my locker and grabbed the drawing. "Oh.. I drew it randomly a few weeks ago." Travis nodded. He stared at it for a while. He put it on my locker and pointed at the mask. "That mask.. I know it." I stared at him. "How?" Travis slowly nodded. "That's.. That's my father's. This drawing, this represents the day he started abusing me whenever he felt like it." Travis sighed. "Oh.. So the other person is.. Fuck, Travis I'm sorry." Travis smiled. "It's alright Sal. But how did you draw this?" I shrugged. "I don't know. But what I do know is.." Travis stared at me. "Your father.. He killed my mother that day." Travis froze. "What..?" I slowly nodded. "I.. Can he get any fucking worse?" Travis chuckled. "As long as he doesn't threaten to kill you, it's okay Travis." I grabbed the drawing and crumbled it up. "Haha, yeah." Travis smiled and started walking away. "See ya Sally Face." I smiled and closed my locker. I walked to the trash can and threw the drawing away. I then walked into the cafeteria.

"Why do you seem so gloomy?" Larry gently nudged me in the side. "Huh? Oh, today just isn't my day." I shrugged. Todd nodded. "That's understandable, everyone gets like that sometimes." I smiled. "Thanks Todd." Larry smiled. "Hey dude, you gonna eat that?" I rolled my eyes and gave him my food.

(I know that chug and maple are supposed to be in all my Sally face stories since they're apart of the main 6 but I never really find a need for them in my stories since they're also technically side characters in my opinion. Usually I only add them in once or not at all. I hope that's okay with you all :))

"Excuse you fat ass!!" I groaned as Larry shoved me to the side. "Whoops." Larry chuckled and made me walk on the grass. We walked past Travis' house and he was outside checking his mailbox. Larry chuckled. "Look at that fucking dumbass." I rolled my eyes and Travis glared at Larry. "I can hear you, you fag." I tried to continue to walk but Larry stopped. "Larry cmon." Larry rolled his eyes. "Why should I? I just want to ask this dumbass a question." Travis scoffed. "And what question might that be?" "Why don't you annoy us anymore?" Travis laughed. "Miss me so much Johnson?" Larry grumbled. "No? I was just curious." That's when Kenneth walked outside. "The hell are you doing out here? Your mother wants help with dinner!" Travis slowly nodded. "Right.. Be right in, father!.." I caught eye contact with Kenneth and it felt like staring at a devil. He turned around and walked back inside. "Tell that curiosity of yours to kiss my ass." Travis turned around and walked back towards the house. I sighed and continued to walk to the apartments. "I told you to leave him alone Larry."

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