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Larry has been trying to apologize to me the whole day! He even got Ash and Todd to try and tell me he's sorry. Ash said she understands how I feel since it was a horrible thing for him to say, but she did say that I need to forgive him. I put my books in my locker and walked into the cafeteria. I caught a glimpse of Travis and I smiled and he looked at me and rolled his eyes. I did see him slightly smile though. I walked into the line to get my food then I sat down next to Ash and Todd. Larry was across from me and he sighed. "Okay, Sal. I get it, what I said was bad. But stop ignoring me. Please?" I shrugged. "I guess." Larry slightly smiled. I looked over to where Travis sits and he was gone. I stood up and walked to dump my tray.

I walked outside and he was sitting on the benches. But he wasn't alone. I walked near the benches but far enough to where I couldn't hear them and they couldn't see me.


"The fuck do you want?" I glared up at James, one of the guys from his church that were heavily under his dumb spell shit. "Don't act dumb. You were supposed to pay me yesterday. You didn't." I rolled my eyes. "Fucking christ." I stood up and walked down the bleachers and he followed. I saw Sal's blue hair out of the corner of my eye. I slightly smiled and continued to walk back inside to pay this dumbo.


I watched Travis walk back inside with the guy and shortly after I walked back inside since it was probably almost time for the next class. Luckily only 3 more classes then I'll be done with today. Then I have to go on with Friday, but luckily Travis is going to hang out with me this weekend instead of the normal, Larry,  Ash and maybe Todd. I walked to my locker to get my stuff for the next class.

School was finally over and I walked to my locker and grabbed my bag to leave. Travis passed me and he had messy hair and he looked funny. I chuckled and walked outside the school. Larry and Todd were waiting for me like usual and I decided to walk with them today. Larry looked over at me. "Are we going to hang out like usual this weekend?" I shrugged, "I'm.. Gonna be busy this weekend." Larry slowly nodded. "Oh.. Okay! Next weekend then." I nodded. Todd smiled. "We'll miss you Sal!" Larry nodded. "For sure.."


I stared up at my ceiling since I woke up early and there wasn't much to do. I decided to grab my phone and turn it on.

T: Sally face? Are you up?
S: Hm? Yeah haha, I just showered.
T: Oh, morning
S: Morning! Did you need something?
T: No.. I just woke up early.
S: Oh, well then let's talk for fun :)
T: Oh, Sure!

Sorry I haven't worked on this in a few days, I've just been lazy haha. Usually whenever I want to my head starts to hurt really bad then I don't feel like writing even when it stops hurting. Anyways, I'll update it more soon :) have a good day/night everyone! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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