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Fundy x eret x bbh I thought it would be cute seeing as erethalo, feret, and funhalo are all very cute and adorable, no one requested this I just wanted something cute after the news and the fact I'm in denial.
I will post techhalo if you guys want but remember I must have a plot. Also it's my birthday 🥳

Eret sat in his castle on his throne, bored out of his mind like don't get him wrong he loved being king but sometimes it's really boring and when it's not boring it's always so hard because it's meetings with other islands that are ruled by kings/queens. Dream had made eret king of his own little land but also have him meeting with the other lands as dream was busy trying to help put the SMP back in order to the way it was before all the wars, eret always thought it would be better if someone that was an actual human would meet with some of these islands because some of them are only all human or all supernatural beings; some islands had one of the same species on it or had only up to two other species or it was all human.

Eret always seen the way they look at his eyes, like he was his father and would kill them if they BREATHED wrong then there was the time he brought his boyfriend, fundy, with him and they were in a meeting with a human island and they just looked at him the hole time barely paying attention to eret talking till he pulled fundy into his lap then continued to talk like nothing had happened,slightly shocking and startling the other's.

He sighed and then felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked at fundy who had a small smile on his face "any new meetings?" He asked then sat next to eret on the big thrown, eret was about to answer when one of his guards came in dragging a person that was wearing a long dark red cloak "sir, we found this person walking close to the grounds" they said and fundy standed up and ran over to the person "are you crazy let them go" he slapping the hand that held the person "you may leave now" eret said and the guard walked away with a confused look on his face; eret sat up and walked over to the person too "you know them love?" He asked and helped fundy get the person up then he seen it, the black skin and long hair that was now a snow white color "I'm sorry but I just wanted to bring you some muffins" he said, bad looked up at the two tallers and smiled a shy but kind smile and the other two smiled back.

After all that mess they were sitting in the kitchen talking about what has been going on with them, eret and fundy told him about the meetings and how different species react to them making bad laugh at them "you should join us next time, I'm sure you'll find a way to get them to lighten up" fundy said and eret nodded in agreement but bad wasn't as sure at the other two, bad has only been around humans for a few years and he still doesn't understand lots of things "no I don't think that's the best thing, I think I'll just scare them off" he said messing with his white hair that went down to his lower back. Fundy and eret stood to each side of him, fundy grabbed his hand and ran his fingers over the small pads that were a slight different color then the rest of his hand while eret played with his wings that he didn't really care to hide "you won't scare them, if they have a problem with a beauty like you living on the island them they can just leave" eret said making bad blush a bit and his feathers on his wing puffed up "y-yeah I guess I can go next time, maybe make them muffins" he said and smiled and fundy swore it felt like looking at the sun while eret was glad he was wearing glasses.

Bad had been staying with the two in eret's castle for about three days and the hole time eret and fundy have been pampering him like a queen, giving him kisses on the head and hands, going on walks through the garden, cuddling him, and watching movies with him. Bad wasn't complaining though as he liked it and did enjoy their attention and he did kinda like them for a while now but at the time he was married to skeppy and he couldn't just leave skeppy for love that most likely won't be returned.

Bad walked around the halls of the castle looking for the other two when he heard talking from the thrown room and as he got closer the lower they got and the more he realized it was the voices of fundy and eret and he hid behind the wall and listened, yes he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it he knew they would stop when he walked in so this was his only choice, "when are we gonna tell him?" Fundy asked and crossed his arms "We don't even know if he feels the same" eret said and sighed "well it's obvious he does, do you not see the way his face lights up to the bright red" fundy laughed and eret let out a small chuckle "yeah....maybe we should tell him" he said.

Bad covered his mouth and his face turned red 'do they- do they like me!?' He thought and ran the other way back to his room the eret had given him and closing the door behind him, he sat on the bed thinking over what they had said 'they could have been talking about anyone' he thought 'or maybe they weren't talking about LIKE likening me, probably just saying I'm a good friend' his thoughts were like his mind against his heart, he wanted them to be talking about how they loved him and wanted him part of the relationship but his brain was trying to find anything else that they could have meant by saying that. eret and fundy walked to bad's door and opened it to see him laying on the bed with his face in a pillow and his feathers were puffed out and his tail patted against the bed making a quiet thump sound, they walked over and sat on the bed and fundy put a hand on bad's back making him quickly look at the two "hey bad can we talk?" Fundy asked and bad sat up "y-yes?" He asked as fundy and eret looked at each other then eret cleared his throat "w-well we wanted to know I-if you would like to be- be in our relationship" he said with a blush on both of their faces, bad sat there, face red and heart pounding in his chest. Fundy and eret started to worry that he was grossed out or didn't like them back but then bad kissed eret and fundy on the lips, not much it was more like a peck but if said enough to the other two; eret and fundy tackled him to the bed and planted kisses all over his face happy that he felt the same.

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