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This was requested by Lumisadejaruusu and i also want to apologize for being gone so long i had lost motivation for a bit but im back now!
Implied Abuse

Anyways enjoy my orphans!!

What a little trust can get you

The ship came to a stop at the unexplored land as a sheep hybrid stepped off the ship and onto the small bank covered in sand. The sheep holding a little kid in their arms and the other standing next to them 'this will be perfect' they thought with a satisfied smile.

Dreams' POV

My mom called out for me and my older brother from the kitchen, i got up out of my bed and put on my mask before walking out into the hall and to the kitchen having to duck slightly when going through the doorway as the boathouse wasn't really made for tall people in mind. Puffy was standing in the kitchen with the table set with plates of eggs and bacon with a slice of bread, nothing special like i would hear mom talk about she would steal and eat when in his pirate days, foolish and me sat on the chairs, small and made of pure iron but we could still eat at the table "morning ma'" i said taking a bite of the bread "mornin'" foolish said also stuffing his face with food "good morning kids" there was a pause as we all ate in silence and as soon as me and foolish got done mom jumped at us "so today i need y'all to do something for me" he said and cupped her face in her hand before resting on the table with a small smile.

Foolish sighed and i groaned but we both knew there was no avoiding his requests now "yes?" Foolish asked ready to get it done so he can go and swim "i need you guys to go raid an old trappers camp, their not there anymore so don't worry" she said before grabbing the plates and putting them into the sink "why?" I asked, it wasn't uncommon for him to send us to the old camps but he usually wasn't so straightforward with it. Puffy, without looking at us, explained "I overheard some of those assholes talking about a demon they left to rot, a void-ling I believe" and with that me and foolish shared a look.

Void-ling's weren't know to leave the void, they usually stuck together. No ones ever seen a void-ling as of todays time and their rare to see outside of the void, the only reason people know of them is because a long time ago they wondered around the over-world at night and they would choose three forms of three things they liked, one of the void-ling's seen a human and took on the appearance of that human for their first form and lets just say seeing a black shadow creature that looks exactly like you doesn't sit well with in some people.

Foolish looked back at puffy who was looking at us with a smirk "but...but they don't leave the void anymore!" He said and puffy nodded "well you always have that one curious kid" he said which didn't make sense but I didn't pay much mind, she probably only said kid as the younger the better....

I never saying that again..

But anyways mom had told us to get dressed and gave us the coordinates to the old camp "be safe who knows what type of traps they set" she said before going up to the deck and most likely cleaning it "come on, lets get this over with" foolish said before walking back to his room, this was going to be a long day.

The camp wasn't far only an hours walk but we still had to take our time and be on alert because the hunters would set up more and more traps the close you got to their camps "why do they have to set so many god damn traps!?" Foolish yelled in anger for the tenth time as he sat up and cut the rope that was around his ankle, i chuckled "why are you complaining? You're huge dude it doesn't matter that much" i said and he looked at me with a snarl as he stood up before going back to his smaller size "shut up, the dumb rope traps might get me but lets not forget who's more likely to get stuck by a bear trap!" He said, kinda a buzz kill if you ask me.

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