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Okay I started this Wednesday, Sep. 13

This was requested by Trump_lovesyou and they wanted what seemed like a tiny bit angst (only a small smidge) and then fluff so that's what I'm gonna do.

Art is by jelly Beloved on twitter

Don't ask about the title I was having trouble spelling so I don't know how it came out.

Enjoy jelly beans!


Sweet ignorance

Bad's POV

Okay so I wouldn't say I'm clingy, not at all. BUT. Forever has been ignoring me all day! And I understand that being president can't be easy but at the same time I know he has free time and he could at least spend that free time with me and no this isn't the first day he's done this he's been doing it for a week! In fact he started to do it when he was told he was president!

As I said, I'm not clingy but I would like to hang out with forever or at least talk to him, he doesn't even complement me anymore! What's the point of trying to look pretty every morning if he doesn't even look at me! Baghera and fit have been talking to me here and there but it's not the same as when forever does and that's not to say that it isn't fun talking to them that just means they don't show the same love and attention forever did when he talked to me.

A sigh left me as I once again was left alone, dapper and pomme were hanging out with the other eggs and fit today so I had no school to teach today or kids to look after. I appreciate the break but when I have nothing to do it feels wrong and like my body is in pain and needing something to do, it's tingly and I don't like it!

Third person POV

Bad groaned as he rolled off his couch and onto the floor not minding the pain that came from him face planting, he sat up and started to walk around needing something to do. Bad ended up cleaning his large house top to bottom and even managed to fix a broken machine but by the end he was still very much bored and needed something to do ' could go bug cucurucho...nah they would just find a way to get me away anyways' bad thought to himself, the idea of bugging the bear was appealing but because cucurucho would find someway to get bad to go away so he found no point in doing it. Bad sighed sadly before feeling his eyes water, he wanted to hang out with forever but forever seemed to be ignoring him and he hated it! He got up and rushed to get dressed before leaving his house and heading to the presidents office, if forever wouldn't talk to him then bad would go talk to forever.

Forever himself was obvious as to how bad felt -mainly because bad hadn't said anything- because he had been a bit busy with work, cucurucho having things he needed forever to review some things. Dreadfully boring in forevers opinion -in cucurucho's opinion too that why forever was doing it- and to long to just be busy work. Forever was working on a paper about some project to build a building close to the train station were guess could live and stay, a village type deal like what tubbo, Philza, bad, and foolish talked about when telling about stories on the DSMP. Forever obliviously din't care and just agreed but there was a lot of paperwork to sign for the one project and forever of course made sure to read the fine print.

The office doors opened and bad walked in, though forever paid no mind, not on purpose of course but because he was paying a lot of attention to the paper he was reading. Bad stopped in front of his desk and after a bit huffed "forever." He said sternly with a hint of slight sadness -though if you looked at him you wouldn't believe he was sad and was just pissed- forever looked up a bit suprised before smiling sheepishly "sorry sorry badboy...what did you say?" He asked assuming bad had come in talking about something.

Bad growled and huffed as his tail seemed to swat the air in annoyance "I said your name. I've been standing here for 15 minutes" he said not raising his voice but having a stern voice instead, forever paused and smiled sheepishly "oh- well what is it you wanted to talk about?" Forever said, he didn't mean to upset bad and he wanted to try and make it a bit better but seeing bad's angry face -this time forever found it suffocating rather than cute- that mixed with sadness "why have you been ignoring me? I know you're busy but I also know you must have free time" bad said and forever froze a bit.

Forever looked down at the papers and sighed "you know I don't mean to badboy, I really am busy lately" forever said gingerly, forever would like nothing more than to spend everyday with bad but because of work he's had no free time and when he did he usually relaxed and slept. Bad huffed again and crossed his arms, not believing forever as he already believed forever just didn't want to hang out anymore "sure you don't" he mumbled.

Forever sighed and stood up walking over to bad and wrapping his arms around bad in a hug praying that bad wouldn't bite him "I mean it badboy, how about you stay here with me till I get down then we can do anything you want" forever said Making bad huff again but he hugged back, he was always a fan of hugs. After that bad sat in the office and waited for forever to get done working so they could hang out. Bad kept asking every once in a while if forever was done yet which forever would always say no to before continuing to read or sign a paper.

When forever was done working he stood up and walked over to bad and took him by the hand "now, I'm done" he said and smiled softly and bad smiled back as he stood up "great! Let's go" he said and partially dragged forever out of the office to go hang out, the eagerness that bad showed to hang out made forever chuckle slightly but he kept up with bad's fast pace as they left. They went of a few dates -though they didn't call it that- to the movies, a nice restaurant, then the park, bad did end up paying for the movies and restaurant but didn't mind though forever very much did mind but he didn't complain about it. They sat in the park together and bad looked at forever who was already looking at him "we should do this more often you know? For a while I thought you were ignoring me and it was really nice to spend time with you" bad said and smiled, forever sighed happily and squeezed bad's hand gently "I'm sorry you felt that way, I didn't mean to ignore you. I'll try to do this more often with you, it was really nice to day" forever said, he enjoyed hanging out with bad again and seeing bad smile and laugh. He definitely had to do this again with bad.

Maybe he could do it forever.

Finished Sunday, sep. 25

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