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100th chapter!! 

Also this isn't a request it's just an old short story I wrote a while ago and never posted anywhere, so here it is.

This does have forever in it but he's old there for a little bit, obviously. This will focus more on Bad and Baghera. 

It also has Bad as being 25, because I just like him being 25. I know he's older now but idc, let me keep him 25 TvT

Started Friday, January 12



The airport had a soft but loud background noise of people chatting to others, in person or over the phone, and wheels rolling across the floor making a constant sound. The morning sun shone through the large windows in the building making the mainly white covered building seem to have a sort of soft glimmer. I was trying to hide from this glimmer.

I was in the airport for a dumb reason really. Who wants to even meet with me in the first place? I'm really not that interesting. I was waiting at a food court munching on dry, unsalted fries -Mcdonalds are so much better- I was, as of now, waiting for a friend to join me. I wasn't waiting for his plane to get to the airport but for him himself to get to the airport. I was there because I was invited to join a few friends at a fair in Brazil. The only issue is I lived in Rhode Island. My friend was, as usual, fashionably late.

I don't know how much longer I can eat these fries. Foolish Brown, my friend that so graciously told the others that I would -much to my internal pain- be joining them to the fair. It's not that I don't want to meet my other friends in person, of course I want to meet them, it's just that I don't like leaving my house a lot. I go shopping at night. No one who goes shopping at night wants to leave their house during the day. Foolish was very aware of this.

"Bad. Hey dude, sorry I'm late," Foolish apologized. He finally got to the airport where I had been waiting for the past two hours for him. He has a very punchable face right about now.

"Foolish," I said. Mad would be an understatement for how I felt but also the wrong emotion too. I was mad, yes, but I was also nervous that Foolish had left me to go on the plane by myself.

Foolish smiled and threw his arm around my shoulders, "relax Bad, I wasn't gonna leave ya'." His voice seemed to be so loud with him so close to me and I could smell his breath. He must have stopped for coffee as his breath smelled of the heavy black coffee he often drinks. No wonder he's late.

I let out a huff and pushed his arm off my shoulders, he is a burly man and the weight he was putting on my shoulder was starting to hurt -not that he cared- and grabbed my bag and started to walk away to our port we were meant to be at. Foolish caught up to me fast as he ranted about traffic and said that he had gotten me coffee and snacks. Honestly he treats me like a child, trying to win me over with some food and coffee. It did work as I did take the food and coffee but I was still very mad at him.

Sitting in uncomfortable silence and chairs that could send you to a chiropractor for an hour isn't the way anyone would like to spend their time but unfortunately it was how I ended up spending my time. Foolish slumped next to me using me as a cushion. My legs were numb and felt like they were made of static and my neck felt like I sat a brick on it. End me now.

Finally the speaker came on and announced what I've been waiting for. Hours of waiting finally paid off.

"Brazil flight 19 is ready for loading." It repeated about twice as I practically shoved Foolish awake and we grabbed our things heading to the gate to load and get our seats. The seats were only slightly more comfortable than the ones in the airport, looking out the window my heartbeat raced. I hate planes. That's the reason Foolish was going with me because if he wasn't I would have checked in the ticket and got my money back instantly.

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