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Requested by simpchan8 and I just love this as it's not all the time I do girlxboy but you know me I can't resist a good story.

Also you may remember the firehalo one where bbh was a koi but in this on he's not as I wanted this design to match his color palette but if you do want him to be a koi just say so and I'll do it. Also if I use the word 'walked' while saying that they entered a room is because I don't know how to explain how fish people inter a room or stay in place like their 'standing' 

I hope you enjoy my orphan's!


Puffy was the captain of the Rainbow Sheep and that was a rare as most women where she was from always were stay at home mothers and would only be there for looks and for breeding, but puffy refused to follow the rest of them and said that she would make it on her own and that she didn't need a man; that she could do it all alone. She did have a crew of course it was mainly women but it had some men too; minx was the strength of the group -the others were strong, like dream, but minx was the strongest- then Hannah who was the cook -niki was the main cook though- and medic,Drista and dream were the brains and came up with the plains then MD who was the joker of the group and made sure everyone was happy and always laughing.

Puffy was happy with her small group and she wouldn't choose another, she was looking out at the sea as the moon shined on the water making it appear silver when she seen it; a flash of black and red that puzzled her and made her do a double take 'what was that!?' She asked herself still looking at the water to see if she could spot it again, but she didn't see it no matter how long she looked so she pushed it to the back of her mind and walked to the main deck where her crew was.

(Few hours before)

They sat in their room and hugged the sponge pillow as tears mixed in with the water around him -never touching their face- as the reason for his tears is that their father has never let them leave the castle from which they resided but his brothers can come and go as they please, they had no friends, they didn't understand the jokes his brothers made, he only had his family and a butler that was always by his side that they liked to call mr. boo. After a bit later -about an hour- a knock came from his door making the betta fish turn and as he really didn't want to talk to anyone he was gonna call out for them to go away and leave him alone but that was entail a voice called out "young prince? Are you okay?" Asked mr boo, bad's butler who was always by his side "I-I'm fine" he said as his voice was raspy from the crying he did and he could hear boo sigh as he opened the door "you don't sound fine"  he said and walked in closing the door behind him. Bad moved over a bit as boo -or ranboo, as boo was just a nickname bad called him- sat next to them and his tail that resembled an angel fish swayed "do you want to talk about it?" He asked and gently placed a webbed hand on their back, after a bit of silence bad sighed "he never lets me do anything, I don't want to stay in this dumb castle reading the same books, watching my bothers come and go with friends" bad leaned his head on ranboo as he gently rubbed their back "I know my prince, I see it on your face everyday and I wish I could help" he said.

Ranboo never understood the king's motive for keeping bad in the castle when bad's TWIN brother was free to leave anytime he wanted and it made him irritated to see bad cry or sad because he would have to watch their brothers leave while he wasn't even allowed in the garden, then an idea popped into his head "hey I have a plan to get you out, but you have to come back before sun rise" bad looked at him with wide eyes and an even wider smile "really! Thank you!" He exclaimed and hugged ranboo making him laugh a bit.

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