TomHalo+Techsoothalo(part two)

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"TOMMY. INSIDE NOW" phil yelled out from the front of the castle, tommy held onto bad and walked forward, bad following because he didn't feel like get arrested for trying to run "tommy I need to go back home" bad whispered but tommy shook his head "you won't be able to try and run, they'll just get you" tommy whispered back. Once the two got to phil he looked bad up and down before motioning the two to follow him, after walking they entered the lounge room to see both of Tommy's brothers and Sinnamon, Philza sat in the middle of the couch while Tommy's brother stood on either side of him and sinnamon sat next to him. Tommy pulled bad to sit next to him on the love seat and they both stared nervously at the very angry and annoyed phil "so, who are you?" Phil asked and bad silently whined "I-I'm Darryl Halo but many people call me bad" they said looking down at the ground, phil hummed and looked at tommy "you are in big trouble, how dare you sneak out what if something had happened" he said and tommy looked down like bad and moved a bit closer to bad "but I'm fine" tommy mumbled and phil groaned "that's not the point! You could have asked and I would have sent some guards to go with you!" Phil said but tommy looked at him "I wanted to find him myself! I would always hear him so I HAD to find him!" Tommy said and clanged to bad before stuffing his face into their side.

Sinnamon glared at bad and scoffed "this thing! But it's a peasant! Look at it's clothes" she said and motioned to the dirty garnet colored dress that had a dirty white apron tied around his waist the fact that bad didn't wear shoes then the black faded cloak that hang around their shoulders. Bad's eye twitched and he glared at sinnamon "I actually work unlike you, you probably haven't touched even a Echinacea purpurea" they said and sinnamon scoffed rolling her eyes "that's not even a fruit, dumbass" she said with such confidence it made everyone slap a hand to their face "it's a flower, stupida donna, peccato che tu sia la madre di Tommy"(dumb woman, shame you're tommy's mother) bad said and patted tommy's head still glaring at sinnamon. Sinnamon stood up and pointed at bad "I knew it! You speak like a witch! Did you not hear that it was speaking in another language!" She said to phil who sighed and rubbed his noise and eyes, techno rolled his eyes and looked back at bad "lei non è la sua vera madre, solo una sostituta per ora"(she isn't his real mother, only a replacement for now) techno said and bad looked shocked before smiling, techno felt his face heat up a bit but pushed it down knowing he must be serious. 

Phil looked sinnamon "HE was speaking Latin, techno has been studying it for the past four years" he explained making it clear that bad was a male and not an it, sinnamon sat back down with her arms crossed and phil looked back at tommy "why did you need to find him?" He asked and tommy looked at him from bad's side "I would always hear this humming and I decide to go look for it and I found him! He has the same hum and songs as the humming I've been hearing" tommy said and hugged bad closer, phil looked at bad singling him to explain so bad did "I seen him in a clearing with a few scratches and bruises so I helped him, when I found out he was looking for me I told him why he could hear me sing even though I'm so far away" wilbur and techno walked out from behind the couch and sat down on another couch listening in to what bad was saying "something is going on with this child and he is in distress, kids can hear my song when they are being hurt physically or emotionally and seek comfort" phil looked at tommy and let out a sad sigh wilbur and techno looked down knowing why tommy would hear bad's songs. While the others were sad sinnamon could only focus on the fact that bad seemed to have magic "so you are a witch! Your trying to steal my little girl!" She said and bad glared at her holding tommy closer "if it gets HIM away from you then yes, I'm a witch and I'll be taking him with me!" He said and tommy hugged bad, bad wasn't going to actually take tommy but bad couldn't stand the lady sitting in front of them and wanted to make her mad. 

Wilbur held sinnamon by the arms as techno stood in front of bad and tommy "YOU WITCH, GUARDS! GUARDS KILL THAT WITCH" she screamed making bad flinch back and tommy hold bad closer not wanted to let go fearing the guards might follow her orders but non of them did and phil stood up "sinnamon stop! They will not follow your orders and bad will not be harmed in fact he'll be staying here for as long as he needs!" Phil said in a stern voice and tommy smiled wildly while sinnamon started in shock she scoffed and stormed off to her room. Phil, techno, and wilbur looked at bad who was now standing with tommy still hugging them "so is there anything you need? Like from your house?" Techno asked taking the lead and letting bad know that they would in fact stay in the castle rather than the woods, bad looked down and nodded "two kids, my sons and a few supplies, if you don't mind" he said and the family looked a bit shocked at the news of two other kids but Phil's eyes softened and he nodded "very well, techno and wilbur will be going with you along with two guards" he said and bad smiled and patted Tommy's head once again.

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