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"We missed it!" Elizabeth said.

12:00 hit the clock and fireworks lit up the sky.

"Great!" Florence sighed, pouting and trying to look at the fireworks from inside the car.

"Damn it." Scarlett sighed, glancing outside from her bedroom.

Then the actress looked back at her phone, "We missed it. Are you two gonna get here any minute now?" She asked.

"Probably twenty minutes away." Elizabeth answered.

Scarlett sighed, "It's okay, well, I'll see you two later. Drive safely, okay? Bye!"

"Alright, bye!"

Scarlett smiled and ended the call. She placed it down and went to look at herself through the body size mirror in her bedroom. She's dressed up for tonight, she'll be celebrating New Year's with her Avengers family.

But unfortunately, they missed the countdown.

Scarlett hums, while fixing her hair. She decided to wear her hair down for tonight, she likes messing it up a bit once in a while.

Just then, her doorbell rang.

And rang, and then it rang again.

Scarlett frowned, "They're here already?" She asked herself. "They better not be pranking me again." She mumbled and decided to get the door.

While walking downstairs, the ringing stopped but there was banging on the door.

"What the hell?" Scarlett frowned. She quickened her steps so she can answer the door.

"Just a second, Lizzie, Flo! Jesus Christ!" She said.

There was another bang and Scarlett rolled her eyes, then she opened the door, ready to scold Florence and Elizabeth.

"What—" Everything that she wanted to say to her friends vanished when a woman greeted her, with a gun pointed at her. The woman is wearing a mask, Scarlett can only see her eyes.

"Scream and I will shoot you." The woman with a British accent said, pointing the gun at Scarlett.

Scarlett's eyes widened in fear, her heart starts beating so wild.

"Step back." The woman said.

Scarlett stepped back.

The woman walked inside the house, her gun still pointed towards Scarlett. "Close and lock the door." She said.

Hands shaking, Scarlett obeyed.

"Take me to the bathroom that has a first aid kit." The woman said, "Now!" She shouted.

Scarlett jumped in surprise and fear, and she immediately walk towards the staircase. She can feel the woman close behind her as they walk upstairs. The sound of her heels clicking at each steps was like a physical punch to her heart, she's scared and nervous.

Arriving at the bathroom, Scarlett opened the last door to their right, "H-Here."

"After you." The woman said, and nodded her head.

Scarlett nodded her head and stepped inside the bathroom, she formed her hands in fists to contain her shaky hands.

The woman followed inside and closed the door behind her, and leaning against the door, then she looked at Scarlett. "Get me the first aid kit and for the love of whoever's above, move fast!"

"Y-Yes!" Scarlett shrieked and immediately went to get the first aid kit, her hands were still shaking. Oh my god, I'm gonna die. She said to herself and gulped.

"H-Here you g-go." Scarlett said once she got the first aid kit.

"Open it and put it on the sink, then move to the tub." The woman said.

Scarlett immediately did what she was told to do because she didn't want to get hurt, or worse, die.

The woman walked towards the sink and leaned against it. She looked at Scarlett and glared at her, "Don't move or you'll be on the floor in a blink of an eye. You understand?"

Scarlett nodded her head, "Y-Yes. I-I understand."

"Good." The woman said, and placed down her gun.

Scarlett watched as the woman tried her best to lift her hands, then she finally took off her blazer and her shirt. As soon as she saw the woman's abdomen, she frowned. That's... oh my god, that's a stab wound! She thought and took a deep and shaky breath.

The woman grabbed her gun again and pointed it to Scarlett. Then she grabbed the gauze and the small alcohol inside the first aid kit.

"Y-You..." Scarlett tried to say something but she couldn't speak at the moment. Both in fear and concern.

The woman looked at Scarlett. "What?"

"Y-You should go to the h-hospital!" Scarlett said, finally able to form her sentence.

"No." The woman said, and she was about to treat her wound when Scarlett spoke again.

"L-Let me help you then." Scarlett said, although she's scared to death, that wound needs to be treated.

The woman raised an eyebrow and she looks like she didn't expect to hear that from Scarlett, but she nodded her head. "Strange for you to suggest that, but sure. Come here." She said.

"Y-You can lower your gun now, please. I-I'll just h-help you." Scarlett said, stuttering while looking at the gun pointed at her.

"Okay but if you try anything funny, I will have you pin down. Understand?" The woman said with an eyebrow raised.

"Y-Yes." Scarlett said, her eyes looking between the woman's eyes.

"Okay, come here." The woman said.

Scarlett nodded her head and walk towards the woman.

— after some time, Scarlett finished cleaning the wound, and she also bandage it so it won't get infected. She can feel the woman's eyes on her the whole time and it bothers her, but she focused on her task because for some odd reasons, she wants to help the woman. And that's saying something considering that the woman pointed a gun at her earlier.

Scarlett step back when the woman grabbed her gun and sat herself down onto the floor.

"Fuck." The woman groaned, holding her abdomen.

"D-Do you wanna to lay down?" Scarlett asked while washing her hands. Why would you offer such thing, Scarlett? That woman is obviously a criminal! She thought, scolding herself.

The woman looked up at Scarlett and chuckled weakly, "You are a very strange woman." She said. "I'm sorry for scaring you, I just need a place to go to. I was... bleeding to death."

Oh. Scarlett thought and her eyes softened a bit, but before she can say anything back, the doorbell rang.

The woman immediately stood up, groaning in pain.

"T-That's my friends," Scarlett said. "Just... just stay here." She added and dried her hands with towel.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" The woman frowned.

"No!" Scarlett said, shaking her head. "Of course not, I'm serious, j-just stay here, please." She said.

With that, she walked out of the bathroom.

Double Life • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now