The End

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New Year's, oh how sweet.

But not for everyone, at least not for Scarlett.

She's been hoping and praying for Y/N to come back home. Every single day, she hopes that her girlfriend will knock on her door and will stay for good. But it's New Year's already, and Y/N's still not home. She even thought about staying at home, just in case Y/N would just come and barge into her house like she did last New Year's.

But she knows she's just fooling herself.

"Scar," Elizabeth whispered, rubbing Scarlett's back. "We should go."

"I-I'll just catch up." Scarlett said, wiping her tears.

"We'll wait in the car." Elizabeth said.

Scarlett just nodded her head and they all walked away, giving Scarlett some privacy with Y/N.

"Y-You said..." Scarlett cried, "Y-You s-said you'll come home alive." She said, crying and looking at Y/N's tombstone.

Lover • Daughter • Mother

"You said you'd come h-home and you'd find me, but w-why are you there?" She asked, crying.

She took a deep breath, finding it so hard to breathe properly.

"I don't want this, baby." Scarlett said, shaking her head. "I want to hear you c-calling me blondie and I just w-want you alive, p-please."

There was a strong wind, giving Scarlett goosebumps.

"P-Please," Scarlett sobbed, "I-I don't want to write my story alone, I-I want to be with you..."

There was nothing but silence, and it's a stab in Scarlett's heart.


Scarlett could hear Elizabeth's voice, but she just ignored it. She doesn't want to leave her girlfriend. She refuses to believe this is all real.


Scarlett frowned, she turned around. "What?" She asked.

"Wake up!" Elizabeth said.

"What?" Scarlett asked again, she was about to ask what—


Scarlett blinked, waking up. She looked around, confused, and found herself at Robert's backyard. "What... what happened?" She asked.

"Scar, you fell asleep and you were having a nightmare." Elizabeth said, "Look, you're crying."

Florence wiped Scarlett's tears.

Scarlett frowned, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Ever since Y/N left, she's been having all sorts of nightmares. She's overthinking too much. It resulted in sleepless nights and if she does fall asleep, she'll have nightmares about Y/N being dead and leaving her.

But right now, she's actually at Robert's house to celebrate New Year's with her Avengers family.

"Are you okay?" Brie asked, worried.

"Yeah," Scarlett answered, "Just tired."

"Well, come on." Chris E said. "It's New Year's, enjoy yourself."

Scarlett smiles a little, "Thanks, but I'm good. I'll just join you guys later." She said.

"Are you sure?" Chris E asked.

Scarlett nodded her head. "Positive."

Chris E nodded his head, "Alright. But join us later, okay? Countdown will start any minute now."

"Yeah, sure." Scarlett said, smiling a little.

They all smiled at Scarlett and decided to give her some space.

Another nightmare. Scarlett thought, sighing and shaking her head.


Scarlett looked up and saw Elizabeth, grinning at her. She just raised an eyebrow in confusion. Then Elizabeth pointed behind her.

Frowning, Scarlett stood up and turned around to look, and her heart started beating so wild.

Hands in her pockets, Y/N walk towards Scarlett, smiling.

Scarlett couldn't believe it, Y/N's here. She can see some cuts in Y/N's face, but she still looks beautiful.

Standing inches away from Scarlett, Y/N smiles. "Hi, blondie." She whispered.

That's when Scarlett gasped, tears streaming down her face. "Y-Y/N..."

Y/N smiles and pulled Scarlett in a hug, "I told you, I'd come home and find you."

Scarlett hugged Y/N, "Y-You're here, you're alive..."

"I am, baby." Y/N whispered, "I am."

Scarlett pulled away and cupped Y/N's cheeks, looking between those eyes that she loves the most. Her heart beats with happiness. "Are you done? Is it done?" She asked.

"It's done, my love. I already sent the authorities everything, but I remained anonymous. But they'll know in that evidences that the killer lady finished the job for them." Y/N answered. "After seven years, I finally finished my mission. My family can now rest, and I can also rest knowing that justice was served." She said.

Scarlett smiles, "I'm happy for you."

Y/N took a deep breath, smiling. "I know."

"No more living a double life?" Scarlett asked, caressing Y/N's cheek.

"Just this life with you, Scar." Y/N said, smiling. "Just our story that we will continue to write."

Scarlett smiles, biting her lip.

"This is going to be a lot of work. You know that, right? Relationships aren't easy, but I'm willing to work things out with you." Y/N said.

"Y/N, the moment I realized that I'm in love with you, I know this won't be easy. But despite that, I still kept coming back to you because I want you. I want us, and I'm willing to face anything as long as I'm with you." Scarlett said.

"I'm happy to hear that because I don't think I want this second chance of happiness without you." Y/N said, smiling.

They can hear everyone starting the countdown, but they can't let go or look away from each other.

"3... 2... 1! Happy New Year!!!" Everyone shouted, followed by the fireworks lighting up the sky.

"Happy New Year, blondie." Y/N said, smiling.

Scarlett blushed, smiling. "Happy New Year, my love."

Y/N smiles and pulled her girlfriend in a passionate kiss.

Scarlett sighs in happiness and kisses Y/N back, she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck and pulling her even closer.

Y/N's heart's beating so wild against her chest, and this time, it's because of happiness. She finally found peace and she's more than ready to move forward, to reminisce the past without feeling like she's dying all over again.

And she's excited for this second chance of happiness that she will live with Scarlett, this strange woman who also fell in love with her. Her very own blondie that will always be there for her no matter what. Y/N knows that this is the start of a new life, brighter and happier. No more living a double life, just this life with her lover.

Y/N knows that this is not the end, this is just the beginning of her second chance in happiness and her story with Scarlett. And as they share a passionate kiss under the fireworks, she knows that this life will be worth it; this happiness that she's feeling will be permanent— like her love for her parents, for her little girl, and now, for her lover.

And Y/N will continuously love them, to the moon and back.

Double Life • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now