Hi, blondie.

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"Police have found a body of a woman, Hannah Bale, inside a motel room. She was one of the bartenders that worked at the private party of the dead senator. Some people speculated that it was linked to the murders, but the police later confirmed that it wasn't. They found a suicide note at the desk of Hannah's room and the policed said that it's obvious that Hannah took her own life."

"God," Scarlett frowned. "What's happening? People are dying." She said.

She turned off the television and sighed.

It's been two days since New Year's and she's been thinking a lot. She's overthinking and it's seriously giving her headaches.

She hasn't told anyone about what happened to her that night, not even to her friends or her Avengers family, because she knows that they will freak out and tell the police, and she simply cannot afford to go through that. She has a lot of work to do, and if she involves the authorities, then she'll have the hardest time balancing her work and that stuff. And she's also scared that if that woman finds out that she talked, she will definitely go after her and her friends and family. That scares her.

Still, a huge part of her wants to just go and tell the police what happened. Besides, she's scared to death that one day that woman will just show up in her house and finish her. That keeps her awake all night long, and she's tired. She's exhausted.

"You know what," She mumbled and stood up, "Enough is enough. I need to come clean and tell the police what happened, and maybe I can help them find this woman because she needs to be stopped." She said to herself.

Then she realized something and her eyes widened.

"Her blood!" She said, "I have her blood, well, they're probably dry now, but that doesn't matter. Maybe it can still help. Smart thinking, Scarlett." She smiled, proud of herself for thinking about that.

"Alright, I'll just wait for Evans then give him the cookies and then I'll call the police once he's gone. Then I'll tell them everything and then show them the—" Her little pep talk was interrupted by her doorbell.

"Great, he's here." She said and walked towards the door. She opened the door and she gasped loudly. It's not her friend.

Oh my god, it's the killer lady! Scarlett thought, staring at the woman that looked really expensive and she's obviously wearing her trademark mask.

"Hi, blondie." Y/N greeted, still with a British accent.

Scarlett immediately went to close her door, but the woman stopped her.

"I just wanna talk." Y/N said, her hand planted on the door and fighting Scarlett with it.

"N-No! I-I suggest you leave r-right now before I call the cops!" Scarlett shouted.

Y/N chuckled and decided to end their little game of push and pull. She smiled before pushing her way in, but not that harsh because she doesn't want to hurt Scarlett.

"Wow, you're strong." Y/N complimented Scarlett while she locked the door behind her. "And hey, before you decide to run, just don't. Okay? I'm still healing and I don't want to run. We'll just talk—"

Scarlett ignored the woman's request, she just screamed and ran away, going for her bedroom to get her phone.

"Oh, great." Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes before running after Scarlett. But she stopped when she passed the living room. Something caught her attention. She walked towards the couch and saw the device.

"Would you look at that?" Y/N said, chuckling. She grabbed Scarlett's phone and hum while walking upstairs. She knows where Scarlett's bedroom is, by that slamming that she did, her ears picked up where exactly the sound came from.

Standing outside Scarlett's bedroom, Y/N knocked on the door. "Blondie, come out. I have your phone here, and lovely lockscreen. I think I've been to this place." She said, looking at Scarlett's lockscreen.

There was a lot of noise inside the bedroom and Y/N sighed, "Come on, blondie. I'm not gonna hurt you! I just wanna talk! Please, don't make me knock this door down."

"Go away! Please! Don't kill me!!!" Scarlett shouted.

"I'm not—"

"My f-friend will be here any minute now! H-He's on his way!" Scarlett said.

Blondie is a pain in the ass. Y/N thought and shook her head.

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