You Got My Mother Killed

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Wearing a mask, Y/N ring Scarlett's doorbell.

"Just a second!" Scarlett said from inside the house.

Seconds later, the door opened.

Y/N didn't waste time and pushed Scarlett inside the house, she held her wrist and closed the door behind her. "Anyone else here?" She asked the actress.

"N-No one." Scarlett answered.

With that, Y/N choked Scarlett and slammed her against the door.

Scarlett gasped, and she held onto the killer's wrists, trying to push her away. She didn't even notice that the killer didn't have any accents anymore.

"What did you do, Scarlett?" Y/N whispered.

"W-What do y-you mean?" Scarlett croaked out.

Y/N let go of Scarlett's neck and then she stepped back a little and grabbed her gun from behind her. She pointed it at Scarlett, "I fucking told you not to tell anyone about me! But you did!" She shouted.

Scarlett coughed, caressing her neck. She looked at the killer, "C-Can you blame me?! You're a killer! When the police came here and asked about New Year's, of course I told them what happened! And I gave them your blood!"

"Those men weren't the fucking police officers, Scarlett!" Y/N yelled, veins visible in her neck. She couldn't help it, she was too exhausted with everything. And the only family she has left is now dead, the only person that she can really talk to.

Scarlett frowned, "W-What? What do you mean?"

Y/N's shoulders slumped, her hand dropped to her side, and she's not pointing the gun at the actress anymore. "The men that came here... they weren't the police officers but members of an Italian Mafia. Their leader has been trying to track me down for years now."

"W-What?!" Scarlett gasped. "What do you mean Italian Mafia?!" She asked.

"I told you not to talk about me, Scarlett." Y/N said, shaking her head.

"T-That's not my problem! Y-You're a murderer! Now all I-I gotta do is call t-the real police!" Scarlett said, stuttering.

"You got my mother killed." Y/N said. She's extremely tired right now, and all she can feel is pain. Her best friend, mother, and only family, is now dead. It's as if what happened that night was not enough, and now this shit has to happen as well.

It's like this life and the world is her own hell and she's living in it.

"What?" Scarlett asked. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Y/N frowned, "You got my mother killed!" She shouted. "My mother is dead, Scarlett! All because you told them about me and gave them my fucking blood! They tracked me down using that and they killed my mother!"


Just then, Y/N pulled down her mask, revealing her face.

Scarlett's eyes widened and she gasped so loud. "W-What..."

Y/N clenched her jaw, "You got my mother killed, Scarlett." She said, getting teary. Everything is just exhausting and so painful.

"Y-Y/N L/N?" Scarlett gasps again, "You're t-the killer lady? Why?! What... you're— why... why are you killing people?!"

"You don't know me, Scarlett." Y/N said, shaking her head.

She didn't care that Scarlett knows her identity now, Enzo already know. And if she didn't do something about it, she can only imagine what will happen. Her identity can be leaked to the public, and if that ever happens, then everything that she's been working for will all go to waste.

Scarlett didn't know what to say. She's extremely shocked and confused, the killer is the billionaire and businesswoman Y/N L/N. She feels like she's only dreaming. Nothing feels right about any of this. And her heart keeps beating so wild against her chest.

"This is my last warning to you, if you talk about me or even mention any of this to anyone— and I mean, anyone, I will have to come and hurt you, Scarlett. I mean that and I know you know that." Y/N said and hide her gun behind her pants.

Y/N didn't bother wearing her mask again, she just took it off completely. She looked at Scarlett, "I'm so sorry that I ended up at your house on New Year's, I genuinely didn't intended that. But I'm gonna repeat myself, Ms. Johansson. Talk about me again and I'll come back for you, and I promise you, you don't want that to happen."

Then Y/N walk towards the door.

Scarlett immediately moved away from the door and watched as Y/N opened it. "Y-You don't have t-to kill people, you know?" She said.

Y/N stopped walking, she clenched her jaw and looked over her shoulder, "Tell that to my dead parents and my dead daughter." She said, then walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Scarlett gasped, and tears escaped her eyes.

Double Life • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now