(Crocodile) His Prisoner

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Hey! Today I have a special shout out to who I believe to be my number one fan. MmePenguin, I appreciate how much you read my fanfics! I'm so glad I have a fan like you!

I learned an important lesson. Never mess with Baroque Works. You'll be in for a bad time.

I'm the famous assassin known as "White Wing" YN. I work as a bounty hunter. I found a relatively large bounty for a man we call "Crocodile". Well I went after him, and now I'm in a prison cell waiting to see what in the world I'm going to do.

Crocodile came down the stairs into the dungeon I was trapped in. "White Wing YN, I was beginning to think you were a myth." Crocodile said, a wide smirk on his scarred face. "Psh, I'm anything but a myth, Croc." I said, smirking. "So are you going to tell me who sent you, or are you going to stay silent?" He asked me, a frown on his face. I laughed heartily. "No one sent me. I'm self employed. I'm a bounty hunter and I came for your head." I said, smiling. "No no, you know you could never take me down, no matter how high the bounty on your head is." Crocodile said, smiling. "Oh goodness, I'm so scared. For someone who has half the bounty I do." I said, snapping the chains behind me.

Crocodile gave me an angry look. "Miss, if you're going to act up, I'll break out the sea prisim handcuffs." He said, smiling. "If you really think that'll do anything, than you need to re-think your plans." I said, sticking my tounge out at him.

Crocodile sighed. "Why the hell're you even after my head. You've taken down people with much higher bounties than me. So why have you come here. You must be rich." He said. "I think that taking down you would be a challenge. Plus, I thought it would be a lovely idea to take the most cute man in the grandline in." I said, winking at him. A light blush spread across his cheeks. "Also, who said I was here to kill you? Maybe I just wanted dinner with you? But ya threw me in a prison cell moment you saw my fancy get-up." I said, smirking.

"That's it? The nefarious White Wing put her self in danger so she could get a date?" Crocodile asked me. "Well, I knew you'd be difficult since you're a criminal and I'm a bounty hunter, but well, I didn't think you'd be this difficult." I said, smiling at him. Crocodile sighed.

He grabbed the keys and unlocked the cell. He then unlocked what was left of the chains on my wrists. He helped me out of the cage and gave me a light smile. "Now, are you completely serious?" He asked. "Well of course. And to prove I am..." I said, standing on my toes and kissing his cheek.

After that incident happened, we went on a lovely date and eventually went on to get married. Funny, that that's how we had to meet.

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