(Sanji) Hello, Beautiful!

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Although it may not seem like it on the surface, this Caesar Clown loving writer used to be full blown obsessed with Sanji. Like I used to live and breathe Sanji. I woke up and the first thing I thought of was Sanji. After listening to a song I associate highly with him reminded me of Sanji, I came here and decided to violently write something of him. I kinda miss all that, but post timeskip Sanji kinda sucks, so I can't go back. But in the name of all that, here's some pre timeskip Sanji for you people.

Nothing beats waking up to breakfast on a pirate ship. Especially when your cook is the one and only "Black-Foot" Sanji, where breakfast is always served with a smile and charm that couldn't be beaten.

I quickly got changed from my pajamas to some everyday clothing then rushed down to the kitchen, not for the food, but to see my favorite blonde cook.

Sanji didn't know that every sweet, simp-like gesture he made had me fall a little more for him.

He was just so cute!

I quickly opened the door, and there stood Sanji in his signature pink apron. "Hello, beautiful! Come and sit down! I've got an incredible breakfast prepared for you this morning!" He said, a wide smile on his face. I let out a small sigh at the sight of him, relived he was still here, although I knew nothing would have happened to him overnight.

I sat down at the bar and Sanji sat a plate in front of me. "You're the only one up other than me, YN-chan. You aught to enjoy that before Luffy gets ahold of it." He said, a small smile on his face. I chuckled. "Ah don't worry. Knowing your cooking, it'll be gone before Luffy's even up." I said, taking a small bite of the fluffy looking pancakes he had sat in front of me.

After the first bite, I couldn't stop stuffing my face with the decadent pancakes that Sanji had prepared specially for me. He watched me with a layer of pure joy in his eyes. "Enjoying the breakfast, YN-chan?" He asked me, his voice light. "Mhm! It's really good! Thanks, Sanji!" I said, smiling wide.

Sanji chuckled, then came around the other side of the bar and sat down next to me once he noticed I was almost completely done with the pancakes. "YN-chan... I have to ask..." He said, a distant look on his face. "Hmm? What is it?" I asked him, my face still stuffed with pancake. "Why is it you try to entertain me? You could just act like Nami or Robin. It wouldn't bother me." He said, facing away from me.

I quickly swallowed the pancake in my mouth and I laid my hand on his shoulder. "It isn't an act, Sanji." I said, a hint of sadness in my voice from his sudden comment. "What?!" He asked, whipping around back towards me. My cheeks turned a light pink color, and I reached up and cupped Sanji's cheek gently. "I hadn't been planning on ever admitting this to you... but I love you Sanji. I've been lovestruck ever since we first met. You're one of the sweetest men I've ever met, and passing you up would be like passing up someone who wanted to give me a million dollars as a gift." I said, leaning up and kissing his forehead. "So don't worry, Sanji. I'm not faking." I said, a small smile on my face.

Sanji quickly got up, then he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I... I never knew." He said, squeezing me a little bit. I hugged him back and put another kiss on his cheek. "Well, it's the truth." I said, nuzzling my head into his light blue dress shirt.

Sanji and I stood like that until we heard someone coming down the hall. "I... I guess we'll have to cuddle later." He said, a nervous smile on his face. I kissed him once again. "I love you, Sanji." I said, smiling at the tall, blonde boy. "I love you too, YN-chan." He said, in the most sincere tone I had ever heard out of him.

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