(Caesar) I'm Not Cute

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Welcome to Clown Town. I'm actually a pretty big fan of Caesar not gonna lie, I actually pulled the fanart above from my phone's photos. I didn't have to go looking for it. Kinda proud of myself not gonna lie.

"YN!" I heard my name called from down the corridor. I lifted my head up from my pillow. "YN! It's important!" He yelled, still not aware that it was probably around five in the morning.

I got up and wiped my eyes, then started down the hall, still in my pajamas and half asleep. "YN look!" The tall man said as he pointed at something on his desk. "What in the world is that, and why is it so important that you should wake me up this early, Caesar?" I asked, looking at his desk. "It's a bug, YN. I pulled it's legs off but I managed to re-attach them before the bug died." He said, holding the bug in his hand. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't eat it." I said, looking up at him. He scoffed. "I don't eat bugs, YN. By the way, if you were anyone else, that attitude would get you killed." He said, a threatening look on his face.

I chuckled. "You don't have the heart to kill me, Caesar. I'm the only person in probably any world that consiters you a friend." I said, sitting down in a chair next to his desk. "Well you could be a lot more polite." He said, putting the bug in a cage. Caesar faced me and crossed his arms. I just laughed and stood in front of him. "Are you trying to look intimidating, because you really only look cute when you do that. Definetly not the desired look." I said, smirking. The tall man's face turned red. "I-I'm not cute, YN." He said, clenching his fists.

I took another step closer to Caesar. "Have I never said that before? You act cute all the time. Guess I've never mentioned it." I said, thinking for a moment. The shade of red his face was darkened. "S-Stop calling me that!" He said, clearly flustered. I chuckled. "Come on, Caesar." I said, a small smile on my face. "You have to admit you're cute at least sometimes." I said, genuinely meaning it. "Tch, you're lying." He said, acting like a child.

I leaned over and hugged him. "YN-" He said, practically speechless. "I've got haki, so I can hug you." I said, gently squeezing him. He shakily leaned down and put his arms around me, then proceeded to hug me back. "You're... kinda nice to hug." He said, his face as red as a cherry tomato. "Thanks, Caesar. You're nice to hug too." I said, a small smile planted on my face.

People I just looked it up and Caesar Clown is 10'1 and a half. I'm scared.

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