Where Strays Belong

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Stumbling as he ran, body thrashing into the hallway walls from corners he couldn't turn sharp enough, Han tried his best to just keep going. His grip on the decent sized bag of cocaine was strong, and his plan was quite the opposite.

Getting the drugs? Easy.
Getting away? Almost impossible.

Han had heard from plenty that there was a dealer with unholy amounts of drugs just laying around, but nobody else dared to set foot in a mafia hideout. But desire and desperation were convincing, leading Han to this very moment.

Pops of gunshots went off behind him, and his shoes seemed to get looser with each second.

"You little punk!" A growly voice said, almost slightly under the very breath speaking it.

The parking lot was in sight, and it was the motivation Han needed to pick up speed, seeing the end within reach. Just as he ran out of the building door, he got slammed into from the right side, a force like a truck, knocking him to the ground. A furious, buff guy put all his weight on him, securing him to the ground by his wrists above his head.

Spitting on Han, the guy tightened his hold of the squirmy boy underneath. "Yah! I got the son of a bitch, Lino!"

Just then, the guy who was chasing Han jogged out of the building, slowing his pace with each step. "Thanks Changbin. He gave me a run for my money... literally." Lino panted, walking towards the two on the ground, aiming his gun at Han. "You must either be ignorant about who you decided to mess with, or just plain stupid." He emphasized the last word.

"You caught me, you got it back, just let me go and we can pretend this never happened." Han tried to reason, gulping as he started to process the true depth of shit he just got himself into.

Turning to look back at Lino, Changbin nodded up. "What you wanna do with him?"

Scanning the boy from head to toe, taking note of certain features, "Flip 'im." Lino ordered, taking another few steps closer.

Before Han could even react, the strong guy Changbin had whipped him onto his stomach, and started pulling his arms back. Lino reached to Changbin's side and got out a pair of handcuffs, quickly snapping them onto Han's wrists. Changbin got off the boy, and started to pull him up. Just as Han was on his knees, Lino grabbed him by the hair, yanking him to look face to face, and pressed the gun into his neck. "Try anything and you won't have to worry about running next time." Lino dared before making Han stand up.

Shoving Han forward and leading him back the way he just ran from, Lino kept the gun outstretched, meanwhile Changbin grabbed the bag of coke from the ground before catching up and following the others down the hallway.

It felt a lot longer walking back in than it did running out, at least for Han, who was playing different scenarios in his head of what awaited him as consequences of his mistake.

"Chan, got another stray." Lino yelled as they got to the big, dimly-lit room, where Han originally snagged the bag of coke from.

A few seconds passed before someone appeared from one of the side rooms. "Ah, I see."

Giving no warning, Lino kicked the back of Han's knees to make him drop to the floor. "A damn fast one, too." He spat, glaring down at the wide eyes that were full of fear and questions.

"How long you been on the streets, kid?" Chan asked, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest and his legs in front of himself.

A fake chuckle escaped Han, along with an eye roll. "What makes you think I'm homeless?"

Chan couldn't help but let a tiny laugh out from the younger male trying to act tough, before nodding at Lino to explain.

"Ratty ass clothes, a layer of filth, you got a hole in your shoes by the toe, most of what you have to your name is in your cargo pant pockets, and for damn sure no one with a home would've heard about this place." Lino listed off nonchalantly, lighting a cigarette.

Shaking his head with annoyance, Han huffed. "Started about six years ago, but officially about 2 months."

The sound of something dragging across the concrete floor made everyone turn to Changbin, who was pulling up a chair and sat in it backwards, chiming in. "Foster system age out?"

Thinking about how much easier that would've been than his 6 years of couch surfing, Han replied. "I wish."

"No, you don't." Changbin shot back quickly. His tone alluded to more than he said.

Motioning his hand in a circular movement to insinuate to continue, Chan waited on more information.

"Drugs, big shock, I know." Han scoffed. The sarcasm was sharp enough to cut someone. "Father was the same. I just got tired of getting the shit beat out of me, so I managed my way until I couldn't anymore."

"Is stealing the only way you get your hands on-" Lino started to ask, getting interrupted.

Whipping his neck around to look back, Han snapped. "No, this was a first."

Not wanting to give Lino even a moment to go off on the kid, Chan quickly took the lead of the conversation again. "How do you make your money?"

"Looking helpless with my sad puppy eyes." Han continued, his sass still spilling out, "Oh and there's this little convenience store, I help the owner out sometimes and he slips me some cash under the table."

Eager to get the back and forth over with, Changbin asked, "So what's your plan?"

A pouty face turned to face Changbin. "Hm?" Han questioned.

Then, Chan stood from the wall. "Your plan. Are you gonna get cleaned up and sober? You gonna try to get back on your feet? You got a location you're gonna settle in? What are you gonna do?"

After taking a moment to think, Han answered. "I have no plans to get clean anytime soon. I have no plan at all, really. Just kinda riding the wave of each day, I guess?"

A smile jumped on Chan's face and his eyebrows jumped. "You wanna join us? This is where strays belong."

Awkward silence filled the room, as Han couldn't get a feel for the three guys staring at him, not sure how to answer. "Uhh.."

Snorting a forced laugh, Changbin nipped at Chan. "At least give the kid a warning of what he could be agreeing to, damn."

Chan took a slow walk towards Han, until he was right in front of him, staring down at the nervous boy. "You already know we are mixed in the mafia shit, but do you really know what that means?"

Nodding side to side, Han gulped. Intimidated would be an understatement.

"Risk. We all want something, we go for it. Drugs- Lino makes and sells them, business deals have, and will, go wrong. Heists- we make big plans, we carry out big plans. Trades- We work with enemies sometimes, if we are going to benefit. Murder- It's kill or be killed. We all got blood on our hands. But we stick together. We're willing to die for each other. We are a family, all working towards goals, helping each other with what they need."

While he didn't want to rock the boat by turning down the so-called offer, he also didn't want to commit to what all it entailed. "I'm good."

"That's a shame, but I get it." Chan let down his tough act, patting Han on the shoulder before motioning Changbin over. "Let him go."

As the key rattled the handcuffs, and his wrists were released, Han's stomach dropped and he let out a giant exhale of relief. He rubbed his wrists where the metal had sat nervously, and looked at each of the guys in the room. "A-am I good to go? Even though I stole from you guys?"

Lino put out his cigarette on the table, then walked towards the others. "Don't question it. Get out before we change our mind... punk." He insisted, tossing the bag of cocaine to Han, who fumbled it since it was an unexpected gesture.

All Han wanted to do was get out of there, and he awkwardly shuffled his way to leave in the direction he had earlier. He didn't even give a second thought to the bag of drugs he now possessed, somehow leaving successful in the reason he came.

Changbin waited long enough to ensure Han was far enough down the hall, before loosely crossing his arms. "He'll be back."

"Mhm." Lino hummed, almost skipping his way back to his workstation.

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