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A cup of milk tea suddenly appeared on the desk in front of Seungmin, breaking him out of his focus. He turned to the side where the arm came from, and saw Felix standing there, smiling. Removing his ear buds playing brown noise, Seungmin gave the Australian his full attention.

Smile fading, Felix waved his hands apologetically. "I wasn't trying to stop you from working." His voice clearly sorry, "It's just been a long time since you've moved and I want to make sure you have something. I figured milk tea with pearls would hydrate you and put something on your stomach."

It felt like an internal hug to Seungmin. Hearing the reason, the thought process behind the decision, the care. His lips curled, a touched smile. "I love you." He softly said, genuine.

A sigh of relief that Seungmin wasn't upset by being interrupted escaped as Felix's features lit up again. "I love you!" He passed the straw over, content that the younger was going to consume some calories.

As Felix started to walk away, so that Seungmin could return to his work, Seungmin grabbed his wrist. The blonde looked back, wondering if he needed anything else. Was the drink too cold, and Seungmin needed a towel to hold it? Was Seungmin going to ask for something else, to eat? Was he actually upset to be stopped in the middle of his work?

"No kiss?" Seungmin asked, a bit disappointed. He was genuinely surprised that Felix didn't give him a quick peck. Felix showed his love in kisses. To just hear Felix say it felt incomplete.

Felix's hazel eyes softened, happy to know Seungmin didn't have any issue, but instead wanted a kiss. As he leaned in to press a kiss to Seungmin's cheek, the younger turned his face deliberately, resulting in Felix's kiss landing on his also puckered lips. Out of shock, and honestly, pure excitement, Felix lingered, smiling against Seungmin's mouth. When Felix eventually pulled away, he blinked a few times before saying, "You did that on purpose."

Cheekily, Seungmin nodded. "I did." He slipped his hand lower to slot his fingers between Felix's, holding his hand.

"Careful, I might take that as an offer that I have permission moving forward." Felix joked, flushed. He would never do anything Seungmin didn't explicitly approve, which the younger knew.

"That's the point. You do." Seungmin grinned, swinging their connected hands back and forth.

At that, Felix dove back in, crashing their lips together. Seungmin giggled into the kiss at Felix's enthusiasm. It was short, quick, but sweet all the same. "Thank you for trusting me, angel. I'll let you get back to work."

"Thank you, Lixie." Seungmin smiled one last time, before letting go of Felix's hand and beginning to open his straw.

Felix walked over to the couch, plopping down and pulling up some anime on his phone to watch. Seungmin punctured the straw through the drink, and returned his ear buds to his ears. He had a lot of planning to do, seeing that he agreed to the request from Jung Son.

To falsely rob one of the bank locations, to be a distraction, and would get safely paid after the fact. There was little to no risk, all reward, since Jung Son promised that the law enforcement on sight were going to be in on the scheme.

Lino woke up, still in Han's arms. The feeling of safety and security was becoming more frequent for Lino. He didn't want to wake Han, so he tried to remain as still as possible. But since he was awake, he began reflecting on the day before.

"Innie just texted, he and Chan got into a car accident-" Han started to tell Lino, pausing when the elder's face turned into panic.

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