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⚠️ SA / R ⚠️

Eighteen months ago

Bubbles from the carbonation fizzled and popped as Nara stirred the soju, beer and cola, tapping the spoon on the rim of the cup before putting it in the sink. She then got the snack tray ready, knowing what her boyfriend would likely eat if it was available. Peeled orange wedges and perfectly ripe strawberries, as well as a few other options.

Nara opted to wear a new summer dress, and her perfume matched perfectly, being clementine and yuzu. She had put fresh sheets on her bed earlier, and had cleaned the entire apartment, knowing Seungmin liked things to be clean. Options of movies were written down on a piece of paper, so they could decide once he arrived what they would watch. She fluffed her boyfriend's favorite pillow and began setting the room, bringing the food and beverages in. She opened the curtains, but closed the blinds, letting natural light in without the outside being able to see inside.

A few soft knocks on Nara's door alerted her to Seungmin's arrival. She nearly sprinted to the entry way, opening the door and letting Seungmin, who was holding a small simple bouquet, and a slice of cake from her favorite bakery, in her apartment.

"Hey angel." Seungmin smiled, offering out the flowers immediately, as he was sensitive to the smell.

Nara grinned ear to ear, accepting the piece of nature, wrapping Seungmin into a quick hug. "Hi handsome."

Breaking out of the hug, Seungmin walked to place the slice of cake on the kitchen counter. "On the way, I popped in to see the flavor of the day. It was lemon with a mint frosting, I thought you'd like it."

"That sounds delicious!" Nara beamed, walking over to pick up and wave the paper with the options of movies she had written out. "I got a pretty good selection this time. I promise there is not ONE romcom."

Seungmin giggled, taking the paper and looking over the titles. "I mean, you're right, Nemo is NOT a romcom."

"Don't pick Nemo! Pick a real choice." Nara playfully whined, shaking Seungmin by his arm.

"You put it on the list!" The male argued, a smile across his face.

Huffing, Nara ripped the paper out of her boyfriend's hand. "Because you said I had to have at least ten movies that aren't romcoms. I ran out. It was a filler." Her voice still holding a whiny tone.

Reaching out and taking one of Nara's hands into his own, finding the whole thing precious, Seungmin stopped teasing, "Let's watch Memento." He chuckled at how hard she seemed to try and come up with a list without any movies of her favorite genre.

The movie on the TV in his girlfriend's bedroom started to become confusing for Seungmin, who blinked a few times to gather his senses again. It was unusual for him to not understand something, so he felt a bit annoyed with himself, shifting his body a bit.

Nara looked over, taking notice to his struggle. She kissed under his ear. "Everything okay, babe?"

Seungmin looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Almost like he lost all control over his body. Including his ability to speak. Something was off. And his brain searched for an explanation.

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